Is there a way to access the back side of the license plate screws through the inside of the trunk lid? My daughter just snapped them both off and she’s in Indy so I can’t look at it.
I have taken broken screws using a smaller diameter drill bit without damaging the threads. Check this link out!
Yes, pop off the clips holding the carpet to the back of the truck and pull the carpet up. I had to drill out the old license plate screws and replaced them with stainless steel bolts and nuts.
Hmm. Not sure about that. But, will say that one of the cars I just bought had a frozen license plate screw. Those are fine thread??? and lots of them, for a license plate screw. None of my Phillips would turn it, even using a ratchet drive - just reamed them out and I ended up using a pair of vice grips to get it turning. Start spraying penetrating oil on it. Maybe with the trunk lip up so gravity will help. Bolts are harder to get out if they bottomed out, then broke off. I don't know how deep those holes are, but hopefully it's just rusty and not bottomed. Get a drill and extractor set at the auto parts store.
This is preventative maintenance that's easy to miss. Remove all 4 screws, grease them thoroughly, and snug them down gently with washers on both sides of the plate. It'll save you a huge headache later.