So last night while driving home, my car died (luckily) right at my exit on the freeway as I was able to put it in neutral and practically coast home, but I lost all power last night and the engine shut off with the error of check hybrid system. Trying to get a code reader this afternoon to see what I can pull up but figured I would see if anyone on here might have a brief idea of what it could potentially be?
It could be a number of things. If the triangle is yellow, you probably have battery code P0A0F: Engine failed to start. However, that is a very vague error code and this may be associated with an engine error code too. Assuming this to be the case, and assuming you already had an OBDII tool with Dr. Prius, clearing the battery code will do nothing unless the engine code is cleared beforehand. I've been doing a lot of research on the water pump because mine is beginning to fail. If the water pump drops below a certain RPM even for just a second, the computer will shut down the engine and give the code P261B which then triggers the P0A0F. I'm not saying that this is certainly the cause, it's just one possibility that I'm aware of. Hopefully, whatever it is isn't any more complicated than that.
Not familiar with the ipm module, nor a recall regarding it. The only trouble lights I get is the yellow triangle on the right side of the dash along with the check hybrid system notification. I was able to get a code reader tonight from a friend and pulled up P3190 - Fuel Air Metering. Anyone familiar with the code? Note: I did just recently disassemble my intake manifold, cleaned that out along with the EGR, and installed an oil catch can. I have driven nearly 1000 miles out of state since doing so and haven't had an issue, but am unsure if it could be related to the work or unrelated? But I will say this, the engine does turn over and idle momentarily, but it's gutless when I put it in drive, I try to give it gas, but it won't accelerate or go anywhere.
3190 is an engine problem, culd be a number of things. also, there could be other codes if the correct reader isn't used. fuel pump is sometimes a problem, egr/intake manifold/throttle body are another possibility
Watch that hybrid battery, any attempt to start your car will deplete your battery...mine turn out to be a fuel pump problem Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The engine probably is not idling it is probably attempting to start off the hybrid battery. I picked up my Prius with a p3190 code. I did the following cleaned the Throttle body Added 5 gallons of fuel do to the gauge only had one bar Banged on the fuel tank while starting (Chevy trick Chevy fuel pumps fail often) I did all of the above items on one start attempt and the vehicle started. I got lucky I guess I have put 25,000 miles on the vehicle and had no further problems. Again the best thing would be to hook up test equipment because you do not Want to run the hybrid battery down. You could damage the battery or at the very minimum have to grid charge it
Because all P3 codes are "jointly defined", it's possible that "fuel air metering" might be the right fortune cookie for a P3190 code in some other car. In a Prius, the fortune cookie for that code is just "poor engine power", and what the code means is there was a period when the engine was running, not starting, above a certain RPM, and producing less than 20% of the expected torque for the conditions. So, running very poorly. It's not really a code that's vague—at least, "hey, the engine was producing less than 20% of the torque it should have" is a pretty specific and clear thing to say—but of course an engine can have lots of different reasons for that to happen. Those just have to be checked and ruled out the way any mechanic with a poorly-running, underpowered engine would have to.