I am sitting in a parking lot with a flat tire. 2020 Prime, 32000 miles. AAA is sending a truck. At least it isn’t far from my house or a Discount Tire store. I’m getting towed to the latter. How many miles did you get on your original tires and what did you replace them with, and why? We have a CRV with good all-weather tires for tough winter conditions. Am more interested in long lasting, higher mileage tires.
32000 miles on the original tires, you should just replace all 4 of them. Costco often runs specials where you get $150 off. I miss the days where you would just put on a spare tire and go about your day
I'm at almost 70K miles on my Costco version of the Defender. It's been a great tire. Good MPG, good in rain and snow and fairly quiet. It might last another 10K miles. I'll probably replace with the same.
Defender seems to be the popular choice for the Prius. It's often in stock at most tire shops, and lasts a while. I only got 50k out of my originals.
Has anyone used either or both of these? Which do you feel is best for more MPG? Goodyear Reliant All-Season 195/65R15 91H All-Season Tire Hankook Kinergy ST (H735) All Season 195/65R15 91T Passenger Tire
I know the stock tires really lacked much in the way of confidence in regards to gripping the road. The defenders are a vast improvement on this and they are typically in stock everywhere. But, between those two tire options I'd probably get the Hankook. Consider the Yoko Ascend as well.
I have the bridgestone. Nice tires, but.... I had forgotten the firestone tires wear on the edges. Plenty of tread in the middle though. I even went to 40psi hoping it will ease the edge wear. I only have 30,000 on them, which sucks! I will NEVER buy them again, unless they were like $20.... I've used goodyear on other vehicles, but I don't think these are good for the Prius. I have been leaning toward the hancook. And the 737 have a 90,000 mile warranty. 20,000 more than the 735, and only $7 more.... I don't have the money to get what I want, so I have to get the best I can get with what I have to spend. 30,000 miles from now, I would have more money.... bridgestone suck for miles... Oh, and Thanks!
Michelin usually has deals this time of year especially if you buy 4 of them. Goodyear has the best deals if you buy from their website. Cyber monday is probably going to be your best deal of the century.
Yea, I've been looking. Looks like the Hancooks. I was hoping for the Continentals, but they are too much. Not enough advantage to spend the extra mileage. I'll take a chance. And if they handle well enough and get the mileage, I'll stick with them. But of course, if I like them, they won't make them anymore....
I think you made a good choice. I have been using the bridgestone ecopia plus tires exclusively on my 2013 prius C and the last batch lasted over 70,000 miles. I didn't notice any significant uneaven wear. When I got a nail in the passenger side tire of my 2020 prius prime after 43,000 miles this June, I replaced them with Michelin X tour tires because Costco didn't have any LRR tires in stock at the time. I have noticed a 9-12% drop in efficency ever since, even after almost 10,000 miles of driving and keeping the tires inflated at a couple PSI higher than the manufacturer installed tires.
For me it's about confidence on the road. I drive 50k a year so it needs to stop, corner, and grip in dry and inclement conditions well. The original ecopia tires just scared the crap out of me most of the time. I'd be in a mountain pass feeling like I was driving on basically ice if it rained at all even at below the recommended speed. The defenders get less mileage eco-wise, but they last longer and they plant to the ground much much better.
I think the eco's were on it when I got the car, but they were thin. But still handled well in the wet. I replaced them with Continentals. Lasted 80,000 miles. The were VERY good! Never slipped in wet or dry. Great mpg. Solid ride. But, they were noisy! They were super loud past the wear bar. I replaced them with Cooper tires. Quit, great in the wet. But I lost 4-5 miles per gallon. The only lasted around 50,000 I think. Warranty was 60,000, I did get a pro-rated portion back. I know have the ecos. They handle very well, wet or dry. Noise isn't too bad. But the are getting noisier as the get thinner. I've got 51,600 miles on them. The inner and outer edges are gone, lot's of tread in the middle. Crappy bridgeston tires. I've orders some yokahoma's. Inexpensive, because that's all the money had at this time. I can't risk having one blow out. The were out of the hankooks I was going to get.
I know this is an older post. How did you like your Hancook tires? I’m currently trying to decide between General RT 45 and Continental True Contact which I have on my car now. The Conti doesn’t have great grip during wet stop and go at 50k but have felt super safe up until now. Price is a barrier for me too.
I didn't get the hankooks, they were out.... I got the yokahoma's. They are good, ish. Great wet or dry, good grip, good stopping. GREAT for mileage! Just over 27,000 miles and I can't even see any wear. They will last a long time. Sadly, I lost 4 mpg on the highway, where I drive 85% of the time. But, I did gain 4 mpg in the city. It's crazy! So if you do city driving, get them!
Something fishy here. I've had both Bridgestone and their Firestone label tires and had even tread wear. If the tires wear on only inside or only outside edge it's misalignment. If they wear on both edges it's low inflation pressure. Or some other problem with the car I haven't heard of.
Thanks! Which Yoko did you get? I just had a mechanic tell me he often sees uneven wear with my favorite Continental True Contact. I know more about tires now than I ever want to know! : )
Thanks! Which Yoko did you get? I just had a mechanic tell me he often sees uneven wear with my favorite Continental True Contact. Also recently told that Generals aren’t great in the rain and Conduner Reporte isn’t reliable for tires. My head is spinning. I know more about tires now than I ever want to know! : )
Avid Touring S. On sale at walfart. I had General, they didn't last very long and poor mileage. They were good in the rain for me except when the tread was low they started slipping. But they were do for replacement anyways. But they were very quiet. I had the Bridgestone Ecopia EP20, clearance from walfart. $80 each I think. They were good all around except for mileage. They only lasted about 45,000 miles. They were 60,000 warranty. But since they were a clearance item they didn't warrnty them. The Continentals are the only ones with long mileage and good mpg. I got 85,000 miles out of them with an 80,000 mileage warranty. And they handled well in the rain even with low tread. But they were NOISEY! When I need tires next time, I'll probably get the Continentals again. Maybe get a louder radio. My Prius drifts to the right ever so slightly, just enough to be annoying at times! It gets worst as the tires wear. But when new, almost perfectly straight. I get a little more wear on the inside edge of one tire and about half as much on the outer edge of the other one. Rotating evens it out with crossing two wheels. But it's not enough for me too spend the money for an alignment. It's a caster issue and there is caster adjustments on most cars anymore. I've adjusted the toe "in" a little and will see if that helps.