It does not appear that the new Prius and/or Prime will have the "roller" style cover that has been available in prior Prius versions, at least based on what I have seen so far. IMO, this is unfortunate, as I preferred the roller design as it is easy to roll up if you need the additional height and fold back neatly behind the rear seat (with the 2nd & 3rd gens I have owned, anyway). I never liked the flimsy cover, nor the rigid design on some other vehicles as they are very inconvenient to store (like our 1st Gen Leaf has), particularly if you are not at home, such as a spontaneous shopping and need extra space. In this YT video from Car Confections, at the 12:53 mark there is a good view of the cargo cover, which seems to be a folding style from front to back with a hinge (?), which I have never seen before. I am curious if this will be the only option, and if there is a specific storage plan for this piece, given the folding nature. I am intrigued by the hinge; Is there a chance it would fold flat in half and slide neatly behind the rear seat or some other convenient place? 2023 Toyota Prius // Sleek Design + More Power = A *57 MPG* Winner! - YouTube
I assume the cargo cover can be removed, I put more stuff in there at times. I’ll be a bit disappointed if the display can’t be split to show more than one item at a time, such as radio AND map, like the Sonata display does. I also hope the sunroof is a separate option and not something I have to take in order to get other things I’d want. I would think it would add to the heat here in Phoenix even with the covers closed, though maybe the glass minimizes that. I also hope features like CarPlay aren’t going to be subscription based, though I suspect they will be.
Oh, I am 100% sure the cover can be removed, it is just the storage which I am concerned about. It seems likely it will fold flat in half, and worst case lay on the cargo floor, but not sure. Regarding your other comments... I would imagine the OEM headunit functionality could show radio & map, but unlikely with CarPlay/Android Auto since those are 3rd party (though I don't have either, so I am not an expert here). I believe the new multimedia unit is already in the Tundra, so you may want to look for videos from that vehicle if you want a better idea of the experience. Fixed glass roof is likely bundled on the top trim, so you will likely "need" to take it if you want other high-end features. If you keep the shade closed, I doubt there would be an appreciable impact to the interior temp I have never known CarPlay to be subscription based.... normally just need a compatible phone and vehicle. Wireless will be nice though!
I found a YouTube video for the Tundra 14” head unit. It has the display options along the left side and you get to select one at a time, so you can’t split the screen to display SXM while also displaying navigation. Not a big deal, just a curiosity. My brother showed me his Sonata split into 3 displays back in February. He had SXM, nav and weather showing, but I believe he said that was cut back to 2 in an update. In any event, going from nav to radio and back with a simple press is better than what I have now on my 2014 Prius where there is no button to take you directly back to the nav display. You get the apps list, then have to select Maps. And here’s what I was talking about when I mentioned having to pay for services. The video didn’t mention what was standard and what needed a subscription. The article explains that a little more, but I’ll have to do more research to see the details and cost. I have to admit the video showed how easy the subscription service was when it came to using a natural voice interaction, though it didn’t show how things worked without the subscription.,Services%20using%20your%20Toyota%20app.
I'm 99% certain the hard cargo cover is supposed to be stored flat on the floor. There was a photo taken at a Tokyo event that had the rear hatch open. At the time, I thought the floor was actually the floor, but now that I've seen the cargo cover, I realize that what I thought was the floor was actually the cover. That sentence may not make the most sense(lol), but look at the photo and you'll realize what I mean.
i read you have to disconnect the mounts and jack up the engine to change the plugs. or was that gen 4?
Ok, I guess I was wrong. That picture really is of the floor. I just saw a video that showed the cargo floor(but didn't lift it) and it looked just like that picture. It was the shadow on the left that threw me. I assumed there was a drop on the left side because the floor was flat and the cover was sitting on top of it. But the floor on the left side isn't flat. There's actually some kind of drop down or pocket on that side.
The plugs look accessible, without need to remove cowl. I'm sure they got LOTS of feedback about that. Third gen was ridiculous, and fourth gen IIRC only slightly easier. Here's a video screen grab, leftmost coil flagged: