JBL System Upgrade on 2007 Touring

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Cox, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Thought I'd give a quick overview of an install I've been doing the last few days....

    Front speakers: Infinity 6010cs Component series, using Infinity crossover (included).
    (Center: Disconnected the speaker; Rear: As is, since it will not be used)
    JBL output processing:
    Signal summing: JL Cleansweep SSI unit - used in 2-way mode with 'front high to front high', 'rear to rear high', 'front low to front low'
    EQ: JL Audio Cleansweep DSP - auto EQ calibration setup using provided pink-noise CD (will compensate for a lot of the poor frequency response from JBL amp)
    Amp: Alpine MRP 450, 4 channel
    Sub: Infinity Basslink 10", Powered
    Connectivity: VAIS ipod controllor

    What I thought folk might find interesting is that I did listen to the ugrades as I put them in: Here is how I saw things improve:

    - I would rate the original system 2 or 3 out of 10 at best - and it actually hurts the ears if played loud at all (NOTE: My 'reference' is a domestic system with Rega Ela speakers, Naim Nait amp and Arcam Alpha 9 CD player that I rate at 9/10)

    - I first replaced the JBL tweeters with the Infinity Ref 6010cs component set - 1011T I think - that gave one of the most marked improvements: Just changing the tweeters gets it to 5/10 maybe. Even using the built-in elctronic cross-over in the amp. It was now system I could listen to for half an hour without switching it off in disgust!

    - Changing the JBL woofers (the JBL's are actually metal or metal-look cones - much nicer looking than the JBL speakers I have seen on photos of 2004/05 models) to the Infinity's really made only a small but still noticable difference: 5.5/10 maybe. Sharper kick to the bass, but no better ability low, low down. This is where I was beginning to wonder whether it was a classic case of garbage-in, garbage-out (Note: I did try wiring the front speakers to the rear JBL amp output and used the supplied Infinity crossover with the speakers, but I discovered that the sound was not better and also the Nav and Bluetooth signal went to the rear - unlike the 2005 models where I believe the speaker wire was interrupted outside the amp - so I swapped it back to front amp to front speakers. Note2: The external appearance of the amp and the connector in my 2007 is different to the ones seen in some of the guides here - from 2005 models perhaps - the speakers and power connector are split into two smaller ones)

    - I then tried the Kenwood KSC-SW1 amp-sub combo to put in the little hatch above the spare tire - now don't get me wrong, I don't need much bass to be happy, but this thing was bl**dy terrible: It did provide a some waffly bass, but in my opinion it just adds the to general aural confusion... took that out and threw it as far as I could (anybody want to buy a Kenwood Sub? - as new condition). I was hoping for about 6/10, but I was actually stuck on 5.5/10 or even 5/10 with the kenwood at this point - NOT GOOD.

    - I then concluded it WAS a case of garbage-in, garbage-out. The ideal would be to rip out the OEM system, head-unit etc etc and start again, but I actually like the way the nav and bluetooth are controlled with the audio, plus it's a new car, plus I'd just paid for a nice VAIS ipod controllor to go with the existing head-unit... Soooo I plumped down some more serious green for the JL audio SSI cleansweep signal summing unit to take the JBL speaker signals and even out the levels, then the resulting RCA out of that was fed into a JL audio cleansweep DSP to try and flatten out that shocking frequency bias the JBL amp adds, after that it is a straight front and rear RCA to an Alpine MRP 450 4-channel amp with a pass through to an Infinity 10" Basslink powered sub. After a LOT of blood, sweat and nearly-tears, I had all the JL audio processing units and amp stowed away under the rear hatch, with only the infinity sub above ground.

    Where am I now? I would say it is about 7, maybe 7.5 with a little tuning... The bass is now satisfying and overcomes road noise and the JL audio processing has brought the front speakers mid-range and tweeters to life in a way I wouldn't have believed. I suspect the limitations of the OEM head-unit will show themsleves on more complex pieces of music, but overall this is a very listenable system. Round of applause to JL audio then. The best thing is that the bluetooth, nav and front/rear fade all still work perfectly - in fact the nav and BT sound better than ever! Overall this is pretty much where I was aiming at getting to when I started, only I've ended up spending a great deal more wonga than planned. Hmmph. Nothing new there then.

    - The VAIS appears to work brilliantly first time - sound is actually better than the old 3.5mm aux jack I was using and now I get to control it plus see titles, song, artist etc too. I am using it in MP3 mode. I am guessing there isn't a 'software' hack to enable me to see details whilst the car is moving?

    Will add a bit more description of the system sound quality soon...

    Does anybody have any tips for how to tune a system similar to this? For starters I'm thinking I may need to turn down the front tweets a little since they are providing a little more volume than the mid-range. The infinty crossovers allow a 3dp drop - has anybody tried that?
  2. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    OK, so I thought the system sounded great, but the tweeters were just a touch too loud, so I just dug out the crossover for the infinity 6010cs's at the front and connected the tweeter cable to the -3db option: Definetly sounding sweeter as a result - though the real test is on the highway of course.
  3. hpajlp

    hpajlp New Member

    Nov 27, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cox @ Nov 27 2006, 01:54 PM) [snapback]354563[/snapback]</div>

    Any photos? I'm considering a stereo system upgrade and curious to see what the amps and subwoofer you chose to go with will look like in the car...
  4. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Well, your note reminded me to take a picture or two, so I did just that (click thumbnails):

    Hatch closed: [​IMG] Hatch open: [​IMG]

    No images of the front speakers obviously since it is all stealth and looks original. As you can tell, I need to do a little tidying up of the power and speaker cables. Oh, and ignore the two wires leading off between the rear seats: They are temporary - from the two remotes for the Cleansweep DSP and Sub so I can do fine tuning of the system on the road with significant background noise (not me driving of course!) - they will eventually be stowed in the hatch with everything else once I've extracted the best sound I can.

    For anyone interested, I found that knocking 3dB off the tweeters made a lot of difference: The system really sings now and can be listened to at high volume without irritation. I raise the system score close to 7.5/10 just for that. I may get slightly higher since I haven't got round to doing more than basic tuning of the amp and sub... we'll see. Thanks for the interest (hope I haven't bored you!).
  5. hpajlp

    hpajlp New Member

    Nov 27, 2006
    Thanks for the response and the photos! A couple follow-up questions if you have time:

    1. What did you do about the center speaker behind the NAV? I did not see anything mentioned in the details. Did you disconnect it? If so, did you lose any audio like the voice-response system which seems to come primarily from the center channel?

    2. It looks like the sub is mounted to the flooring in the back. If so, how do you fully remove the cover to the storage area (i.e. to access the spare tire)?

    3. What was your budget for the project (if it is not too impolite to ask).

    4. Did you do the entire install or did you take it to a car stereo shop?

    I'm planning to upgrade my sound in January so this info would be really helpful.

  6. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hpajlp @ Nov 29 2006, 05:17 PM) [snapback]355392[/snapback]</div>
    Ah! Good questions:

    1. I disconnected the center speaker - in fact this is the first thing I did, and I think it improved things slightly on the original system. It has remained disconnected since.

    2. The sub lifts away with the hatch cover (the sub is attached by screws). The amp and processors are all screwed down to an MDF board which also pulls out to get at the spare tire. Plently of cable length means I can put it where I like. By the way, the sub is located in the rear corner of the trunk because a corner position reinforces and somewhat naturally amplifies the bass. I may eventually fibre-glass-enclosure a sub in the corner above the battery one day... but I'm not sure a smaller sub would be better (anyone know?)

    3. I don't mind, but don't tell my wife! I spent about $400 on the summing and processing (a decent deal I think), $200 on the amp, $300 on the sub, $200 on front speakers, $300 on the VAIS and $50 on power and speaker cables, so that's about $1450. Not cheap, but then you get what you pay for IMHO - I suppose if I'd taken my time and ordered online I could've saved a good few hundred on speakers, amp, sub et al, maybe around $1000 total, $700 without the VAIS?

    4. I did the install myself. Took me a good three sessions or 2-3 hours each. I've done installs before, keep learning as I go...

    Hope that helps.
  7. unir12bnvd

    unir12bnvd New Member

    Dec 16, 2006
    Hi Cox, I'm in the process of installing a similiar system with the CleanSweep system. On the JL SSI module, there are 3 inputs into it and two choices for 2-way or 3-way.

    I read on some manual that someone wrote that the center speaker is "bandpass?" Is this correct?

    If so, would I hook up the front door woofer to input A, Front center speaker to input B, and Front tweeter to input C? and set on 3 day?

    If not, would I hook up front door woofer to input A, Not sure what to hook up on B, and front tweeter to input C?

  8. twbutler

    twbutler New Member

    Jul 16, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pimp-boy @ Dec 16 2006, 02:59 PM) [snapback]363148[/snapback]</div>

    Wow, COX - what an awesome write-up. I too am planning to use the JL Cleansweep as you to fix the problems with the JBL system, etc. Thanks for sharing - it confirms what the local Tweeter shop was recommending to me.

    I was thinking the same as "pimp boy", about including the center channel in the summing of the front signals. This makes sense to me, as with the center disconnected, it seems some of the sound stage is lost, as other have indicated. Has anyone else tried this with the JL summer and had good results?

    Thanks... the Butler
  9. Winston

    Winston Member

    May 19, 2007
    SF Bay Area, California
    2007 Prius
    Thanks for the step by step description of the effects of the upgrades. I definately hate the existing tweeters, so I will start there. That is definately a cheap effective upgrade. It is nice to know that they work OK with the existing tweeter inputs. I assume you did not use any additional crossover for them.

    Q#1 were you able to get the tweeter install to look completely stock?

    I want to "feel" the base a bit better, but am not willing to spend another $1200 to do it. I also dont want to loose any trunk space.

  10. zenMachine

    zenMachine Just another Onionhead

    Mar 3, 2007
    2007 Prius
    The Tweeters in my town are closing down and having a fire sale. Saw a used JL Cleansweep DSP for a fair price so I jumped on it. Now I have to figure out what to do with it... :)

    I'm not a car/audio expert, but I don't mind getting down and dirty in order to get better sound. Some questions for the gurus:

    1. Is the SSI required? What are the pros and cons? Any workarounds needed without one?
    2. I want subwoofer(s) but don't want to lose the trunk space. What other options do I have? Can I put some subs in the rear doors instead?
    3. My Pr has the "noise dampening" feature. What does that mean?

    Many thanks in advance.
  11. Winston

    Winston Member

    May 19, 2007
    SF Bay Area, California
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(zenMachine @ Jun 4 2007, 01:22 PM) [snapback]455145[/snapback]</div>
    I am no guru, and have not done any stereo mods to my Prius yet, but I have done a bit of research.

    1. The SSI is to "sum" the separate tweeter and woofer front speaker wires. I believe it is required if you want to use the Cleansweep for the front speakers.
    2. I have heard of people putting the subwoofer, under the front seats, or in the left or right rear side "pocket" in the hatch area. The hatch area subwoofer takes away a little cargo space, but it can look very stock with proper finishing. The subwoofer box is made of fiberglass.
    3. I don't know what "noise dampening" is.
  12. boneman

    boneman New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
    Just another 07 touring owner saying thanks for the writeup. Also, did you say you tried "bi wiring" your infinity crossovers directly from the JBL amp?

    Thanks, jonas.