So my nightmare of 2011 Prius just won't end. Included is a picture of a plug. They all look like that. MAF was replaced a while back with aftermarket cheapo. Cleaned MAF no affect. I got another one coming. I have examined everywhere it could be getting unmetered air. I have a smoke machine coming. I have injectors coming. Question is what else could be doing this. Fuel pump? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
395k idk miles I changed spark plugs cleaned mass airflow sensor. Soaked the plug Im viniger to remove any corrosion. Mass airflow was replaced about 200k. I did just have fuel the system apart when I removed the engine. I replaced the egr seals. When that didn't fix it I verified with some cleaning spray for leaks. I replaced the intake gasket. That didn't fix it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I also taped up the purge valve hoses Incase they were leaking. I inspected the purge valve to make sure it was closing fully and not flowing when it was supposed to be closed. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Replaced maf with Blue Streak Electronics Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor - New Part # MF21359N Line: BSE. The idol and the vibration seems to be down but not gone. Still sounds like an exhaust leak. Tomorrow I should receive this exhaust smoke machine. I guess I'll find out then if and where the leak is. Monday I should receive injectors I guess then I'll see if they make a difference. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Some good news O'Reilly's actually returned the item. At least I'm not out another $100.00. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Where are you getting gas? That gap looks pretty big. That one doesn't look too bad. How many miles on it? Are you sure it's real nipondenso plug? Not a cheap ebay chinese copy?
395k miles Ngk plug. Now they are new. Haven't looked at the old plug gap size. Maybe I'll swap out for denzo plugs. Gas is from shell station. Gets like 50 mpg. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
New cheapO ebay MAF got car running good. I still have an exhaust leak I have to fix. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Those plugs were gaped correctly when I installed them. I even broke out my spectacles and everything. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Think spec for gap is in attached. They tend to come gapped correctly, would only be off if dropped/damaged somehow.
Correct good man. Usually they come with correct gap. They even put a sleeve on them to try to protect that gap. Those came with cardboard protectors. I've seen plastic protectors before. But I did break out the gauge to confirm. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Try BG repair kit. It had 3 bottles. The first one is engine flush, second is oil additive, and third is fuel treatment.
I only use 1 quart per 10,000 miles. I'm running a second tank of fuel system cleaner now. Unless it can fix exhaust leak I'm good I think. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Well it took 2,800 miles to break in and exhaust donut in the front off the manifold to break in to be quiet. Yay I don't have to mess with the exhaust anymore I hope Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Replaced the injectors. No love. Wondering 2 things now. could transmission be no good I put in it. Could catalytic converter be shot. It does seem choked when I put foot down at stop. But isn't it like that anyway. But doesn't seem to have loss of power going. I have a clean egr cooler I'm gonna put in when the gaskets get here like 15th. Will clean egr valve then. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.