Where do i start the magnet ,when changing replacing solenoid??? ,just did EGR + Cooler clean after 210000 miles,and helper took solenoid off and unscrewed magnet,
Here’s a couple of pics. The first (assembled) should help with orientation of the cap, which way the plug-in socket should point. With the second pic, you’d put on the spring, then the magnet, screw it down: not sure how necessary it is, but to prevent the screwed down magnet’s tendency to unwind when released, a pin can restrain it:
Too many people think that's a solenoid. It is not. It is a stepper motor, and operates by turning that threaded magnetic rotor, over a range of 110 steps. When it rotates clockwise (viewed from the top end), its threads pull the valve pintle inward, closing the valve. When it rotates the other way, its threads push the pintle outward, opening the valve. (Or, if the stator has been removed, then the rotor just unscrews upward. ) There was very recent discussion on this topic over in this thread. More details on the operation of the valve were posted a couple years ago in this thread: Bench Testing Electric EGR Valve?
Thanks for the help,,i looked for the topic and could not find it,,not mattering though,car still runs like absolute S**t,cannot figure it out.