The tell tale sign of someone losing an argument is the one who results to character assassination, insults, and emotional outbursts. #TriggerWarning! Okay sure but at least their MPG estimates are accurate!
Are you by any chance one of those anti-government conservatives that wants to abolish the entire government? Taxation is theft?
I'm pretty sure he is just a Science Denier only on this one subject. He's a wonderful fellow citizen in all other measurements! He just plain doesn't like a clean and safe environment. Maybe if some smelly industry a few miles away and across a state line starts pumping smelly and visible toxins into the air and a worse smelling gray sludge into a creek that flows behind his property line,,,,, He'll be fine with that. Oouh, do I get blocked too?!! Also, according to the EPA the Prius is not the Fuel Economy champ anymore. I blame the eCVT that always requires 'X amount of power to MG1' to maintain a gear ratio. Brand H's hybrid has a better method,,, it would appear.
But, but, you said this, All the employees of the agency. Who will keep your air clean and your waterways from catching on fire? Do you really think your life would be better without an EPA? Please, tell us more!!