Have you tried those glue traps in your garage? Put some peanut butter in the center of the pad. The mice I had this year could not refuse the treat and could not escape the glue. If that does not work play country music. That should drive them away...just not in your Prius Prime.
Yeah, I put two large-size (I think for a rat) glue traps against the walls of the garage where the mice are likely to pass, but so far no catch. I did not put any bait on the trap. I with trying the peanut butter. But trapping them in the garage is not likely to stop them from entering my car. My car is not parked inside the garage. Our garage is used as a barn for our back-yard mini-farm, so it is filled with morsels for mice, (chicken and duck feeds, stored garden materials including some edible like a bag of unused seeds, remains of potatoes, etc. It also houses all of my honey bee equipment which mice love to get inside and nest. Yeah, I need to hire a Pied Piper... But that legend brings me a chill from some accounts of the story and historical facts as well as made-up stories by many including Stephen King's IT. "It" and the Pied Piper | Ersjdamoo's Blog
I am continuing my saga of flight against mouse invasion on this newly created thread. Mouse nesting locations in the Prius Prime | PriusChat
I owned my Prius about a year, before I noticed mouse activity in the rear, spare tire area of the car. I no longer have any problems with mice. See the easy diy solution: Keep mice out. Easy diy... (before they get in) | PriusChat
The vent flaps under hatch floor are likely entry route. That’s one I haven’t meshed yet; should get on it. I recall it’s awkward to do, just due to the shape of the flaps on the inside. And access from the outside would require taking “bumper” plastic fairing off.
If you own a house with some wooded area around it. I suggest getting owl houses, best pest control method sworn by wineries all over california. Barn Owl and Screech Owl and Bluebird Nest Boxes | Barn Owl Box Company