Hello, Don't have too much funds nor a place to wrench, yet have tools and drive if someone wants to help me learn how to service/clean the EGR system, change the engine water pump, and spark plugs. I can drive anywhere in SoCal, and pay a little for the tutorial. COVID vaxed, and I wear my mask still until flu season is over. 2012 Prius 4 with 166K miles and counting...
Aliso Viejo/Laguna Hills/Laguna Niguel here. My 2015 160k Prius egr system was mostly clean, so I just cleaned the pipe, and intake holes. I have little experience here, because Toyota fixed some things for 2015. The hardest part about the water pump is: 1. which sockets and socket extensions to use 2. draining and refilling the coolant, and burping the system. The spark plugs are just an abnormally long tedious process, compared to normal cars.
Thanks. Yeah, needing a place to wrench since most cities wont allow doing it out on the streets. I saw a YouTube vid that one can access the water pump from the engine side so long as the wheel and engine cover is taken off.
I have a spot in San Juan Capistrano, off the main roads...that I used to do my oil. I have since moved on to a better spot. There's also a DIY shop in oceanside. It's too far for me, and the prices are meh. see: https://g.page/gearheads-oceanside?share and: A New Approach to Auto Care in Oceanside