I am beginning to hate not just the Russian dictatorship but a people who seem too passive and amoral to stop it, the Ukrainian war and now genocide. Yes the USA has not been perfect with our mass shootings and Cambodia revealed even worse. It is enough to weep for our species. Thanksgiving the gift of Abraham Lincoln in the middle of our civil war. A celebration by both sides even as we killed our own over slavery. Far from perfect, the aftermath was ‘less bad.’ Bob Wilson
Well said Mr. Wilson. Difficult issues requiring difficult decisions. Sad thing about it is lives that are lost.
Russia is bad, but IMHO calling it genocide cheapens that word. Since ‘civilized’ folk cannot be convinced to demolish the UN and salt the earth that it sits upon, we’re forced to use a UN based solution, without a complete understanding of how ‘The War to End All Wars’ got STARTED. One of my favorite arguments against those who believe that we got involved in the FIRST world war for fun and profit is the fact that we were making money hand over fist BEFORE that infamous telegram gave (the other) Edith an opening. The segue into mass shootings is even more interesting. Chicago had 55 shot and 11 killed not that many weekends ago, but……. Pass the cranberries, please.
Wow, Bisco, Wow....! I just happen to be reading books about our country from the 1800 to reconstruction. Our nation as been to hell and back, and sometimes I think most of us have forgotten this. I am thankful, I am grateful and I am blessed.
I will follow with this. From 1840 to 1897, there are glaring similarities to what we are going through now. I have learned to accept the fact that a true democracy will always have adversity, otherwise it would not be a democracy. In a democracy, the population will always be diverse in its thinking, beliefs and voting. It's our documents (Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Bill of rights, the Amendments) that will right the ship and see us through tough times.
Personally I would like to see Veteran’s Day, Nov 11, The War to End All Wars, a Federal holiday that is celebrated the second Tuesday in November. Bob Wilson