Hi I’m new to the forum and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction, I would like to maintain Sat radio too, thanks
The thing is... to really upgrade, ditch the thought of keeping sat radio from the OEM head unit...even going with aftermarket "keeping" it is relative to how you want to keep it. You might end up using the app through an internet connection but that does no good IMO when you are in the middle of nowhere without internet connectivity. I have a few blog articles on my journey with the Prius jbl sound system. I first upgraded only the speakers in my Prius with jbl, then added a subwoofer in my Prius with jbl... even sound deadening my Prius with jbl. when the volume knob went out, I was forced to buy a head unit, nothing manufactured in the USA fit my needs. went with a china Prius head unit with 360-degree cameras and lost sat radio as hardware not software via the internet. The head unit made the world of difference in the sound department!! now... the issue is the jbl amp sucks! not enough power for my speakers and now here I am about to say I've replaced the whole jbl system for something better when I initially vowed to not replace it and keep it...
Thanks for the reply I’m looking to maintain ALL factory options such as my SAT radio, back up camera, steering controls etc., looking to improve screen resolution quality and possibly add Apple Car play, can you swap a 2015 JBL head unit for the 2010 unit?
Replacing your existing head unit is not actually necessary if it already has all the options you want. I you read thru my post about the upgrades I did in my 2011 keeping the stock head unit it will give you an idea of what's involved. I went a little crazy with my system but you could easily tone it down a lot and get great results even when keeping the stock head unit. Any questions just ask. I'd be happy to answer any that I can
I ended up opting to only keep steering controls and if I wanted to, I could've kept the reverse camera, just for me, and having the cargo box on the rear 24x7 the box blocked my view. That said, SAT is the one thing I wish a head unit with 360-degree cameras could support. I did find a SiriusXM FM Direct Adapter for Satellite Radios and think it might work for me to have hardware-based SAT radio from my China head unit that I love so dearly.
scroll down to the bottom of this radio and see what they say about the back of your current radio https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801458088648.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.46415e69fU4a4S&algo_pvid=334c2a83-f575-4e14-9c55-f3bc46a3314d&algo_exp_id=334c2a83-f575-4e14-9c55-f3bc46a3314d-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000016952195073%22%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21534.54%21277.96%21%21%21%21%21%402101d4a716694991539182183e4a8d%2112000016952195073%21sea&curPageLogUid=MNZvTeZj8GBg
Back in March, I got a Kenwood DMX957XR installed, and it's amazing! Kenwood recently released a slightly updated version, the DMX958XR. Also got an iDatalink Maestro RR2 that retains steering wheel controls, plus lets me see various gauges (engine RPM, air flow), plus tells what my tire pressure is, etc. Also got a Kenwood CMOS-740HD backup camera. Way better than my old camera. Both the headunit & camera are HD, and HDR so look much better. Haven't found any other headunits that have it. Kenwood also makes headunits with builtin navigation, as well as dashcams, speakers, subs, and amps. Only thing with the speakers and amps is you're limited by the Prius' hybrid drive. I've heard max of 350 watts, so look for low power speakers & amps. I'm looking at Kenwood's XR-1603HR speakers for the front door & tweeter. Only 40w RMS, so should leave enough power for a modest sub, if I can find one I like. You will need a new SiriusXM tuner, but I'm sure a place like Crutchfield can help you find one