need to do bi-directional diagnostics on an evap leak on a Chevrolet... I noticed that the Toyota software has a generic OBD mode. Will that allow me to use it for vehicles not made by Toyota?
Yes, for the subset of engine and emissions diagnostic functions defined in the OBD II standards. The “Generic OBD II” topic in the online help mentions “Evap Leak Test” as one of the available utility functions.
I believe any OBD2 scanner has to meet some sort of OBD2 standard so you should be able to plug it into any vehicle that has the plug or has a plug and a Bluetooth or radio frequency head and be able to get OBD2 what is it P codes and the ABS codes and stuff like that because it's a standard for that reason The only thing that's not a standard is all the stuff that we talk about here and the cookies and the fortunes and all that stuff.
Generic mode isn't working at all to read a Chevrolet. I'm so disappointed because I really need the bi-directional function to test the evap parts...
That’s too bad. It could be a limitation of the hardware rather than the software, though: older GM vehicles use SAE J1850 VPW, which some vehicle interface modules don’t implement, rather than CAN communication. What model year is the Chevrolet? If it’s older than 2006 or so, in Techstream, under Setup > VIM Select, is there a “1” after “J1850VPW” in the ProtocolsSupported section of the interface information?
That’s a good question. It could be that your VIM doesn’t actually implement J1850 VPW, even though its J2534 library claims that it does, or there’s some defect or limitation in Techstream’s OBD II capability; I wouldn’t imagine DENSO, which develops Techstream for Toyota, spends much time testing it with GM vehicles.
Could that limitation be implemented by the driver x-horse? I have a different OBD2 to USB connector. Perhaps I could install a different driver to use the other cable and use this protocol?
Yes, the problem could be in the driver, and if you already have the other cable and its driver, it’s definitely worth a try.
My other cable and other driver don't do the trick. Which type of cable should I get to support GM vehicles made until 2004?
I don't have a 2004 Chevrolet anything but I did plug my dealer tech computer into I'm trying to think what it was it was a Chevrolet something but I don't remember right off the top of my head what it was Small 4 cylinder car and it connected and read the codes without a problem I don't know the j standards of anything I have the red OBD2 connector and a black cable that goes to the factory CF 13 toughbook when I plugged the cable in it doesn't say anything about exhorse dark horse or any of that I can't remember exactly what it says and on the cable itself It just states the type of cabling it is not the brand of assembly when I plug it into the tech computer it says something something's installed but I can't remember what it says next time I do it I'll post it up but as far as I know this is a factory setup cable and computer came right from the dealer I've seen it at other dealers and mine works to read regular p codes from whatever I've plugged it up to so far which unfortunately his mostly been Toyotas I haven't had a lot of other vehicles to test it with and then I have cheaper code readers that have no problem with Chevrolet's per se