Door Ajar - Indicator Light

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by JonathanBlock, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. JonathanBlock

    JonathanBlock New Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    2006 Prius, one year old.
    All of a sudden, the "door ajar" indicator light won't go out.
    I have closed and reclosed all doors multiple times.
    Have gone from door to door and manually depressed each pressure switch to see if it turns off light (it doesn't).
    Can't find the sensor/switch for the rear hatch.

  2. kdailey356

    kdailey356 New Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Go to a toyota dealership, it cant be that serious if all doors seem to be closed?
  3. JonathanBlock

    JonathanBlock New Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Stopped at the local dealer. They offered to "take a look".
    When I asked about the sensors, the answer was
    "Prius's are complicated. We've never seen this problem before."
    I decided to look for someone who had "been there / done that."
    Hoping to finde them here.
    Thanks for the suggestion
  4. Jeannie

    Jeannie Proud Prius Granny

    Apr 24, 2006
    Central New Jersey
    2006 Prius
    I can't tell you what's wrong with your car, but I CAN tell you that it's not really sensing that a door is ajar - if you left one of your doors slightly open you'd get a nasty warning on your MFD something to the effect that if you drive in neutral your battery will not charge. That happened to me the second week I had my 2006, and I pulled back into my parking spot, powered down, pulled out again and got the warning again. I was sure I'd had massive system failure. I went back inside, sure I'd have to have my car towed to the dealer, but I found a message here on PC from someone who'd had the same problem. Of course, the problem went away when I got into the car and made sure all the doors were shut properly.

    So find a different dealer and take the car in. I'm pretty clueless about cars, but it's my understanding that the car leaves diagnostic codes - if the dealer you went to didn't even bother to have someone CHECK the car, you were at a totally incompetent dealer.
  5. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    the sensor for the hatch is built into the latch assy.

    really give the hatch a slam. that thing can be hard to close. i suspect that's not the problem since you've had the car for a year now.

    you can manually test switches, if you really wanna get into it.
    for the hatch, just disconnect that little connector you see on the left. the light should go out if that's the problem.
    you can also check the door switches, you can remove the switches (just remove the bolt underneath) and disconnect those too. if you can't get them out easily enough, they might have to come out through the inside of the car. DH has never taken one of those out.

    but this really is on the dealer. the prius door indicator system is no different than any other car. it may route through a different computer but diagnostics are still the same. they're full of it.

    the car typically won't leave a diag code unless the check engine light is on, but this is not a difficult system to work with.

    one thing he's seen previously is someone slamming their seatbelts in the car door, and it dents in the area where the pin of the switch contacts the door. pushing the switch would make the light go out.

    good luck with this, hopefully you'll find it yourself or find a dealer who knows Wth they're doing...