I am told OBD2 might not be good enough in diagnosing a problem ....is this true? Does that mean tech stream is the only way to properly diagnose? If not what is a good scanner for a 2010? Thanks
I have used a cheap Innova scanner from advance auto with a red ABS button . I own a version of dealer tec . But was happy my quick connecting Innova can get P codes and a lot of ABS codes to . And quickly no laptop
We've got this thread for options that work well with Gen 2: Gen2 OBD2 app review | PriusChat As far as I know, we don't have a similar thread specific to Gen 3 yet. But the products that show well in that Gen 2 thread are probably good candidates.
Not sure what you mean. Bear in mind, the Techstream DIY'rs are installing is largely bootleg; getting "Techstream Lite" * legally is $1645 USD (with the cable), and that's only a one year subscription if I'm not mistaken. Renewal for subsequent years is $1295 per? https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=ti_home_page&goto=https%3A%2F%2Ftechinfo.toyota.com%3A443%2Fagent%2Fcustom-login-response%3Fstate%3DZw0yugDS2uTGVqDZPX5qGNaS81A&original_request_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftechinfo.toyota.com%3A443%2F And you supply the laptop. * Full Techstream (not Lite) rivals what our 81 Civic cost, new.
Perhaps if you bought that car as scrap metal. A two-day Professional Diagnostic subscription to Toyota TIS, which includes the Techstream software during that period, is $65 (U.S.); you provide your own PC, Windows OS, and J2534 vehicle interface module. For the latter, Toyota’s contractor will sell you a MongoosePro Toyota 2 module in a Techstream Lite kit for $495, if you buy it without a bundled TIS subscription, or you could buy one directly from Drew Technologies at the same price. For most tasks, however, you could instead use one of the many less-expensive alternative vehicle interface modules, as long as it implements the necessary parts of the SAE J2534 standard. Toyota’s higher-priced options (Techstream ADVi and Techstream 2.0) don’t add any functions to the Techstream software; they’re just bundles with a ruggedized PC, other hardware, and a two-year subscription. I don’t know how many of these Toyota sells to anyone other than dealers, presumably at a discount.
It depends on the problem you’re trying to solve. OBD II (spelled thus by EPA, CARB, and SAE, by the way) refers to a subset of on-board diagnostic capabilities required by emissions regulations. For problems with the gasoline engine or its emission controls, an inexpensive OBD II code reader might very well be enough. For the hybrid system, HV battery, brakes, power steering, smart key, door locks, and so on—any system for which the authors of the OBD II standards didn’t define all the details of how a vehicle and diagnostic system communicate—you’ll probably need a Toyota Techstream diagnostic system, or some third-party equivalent that does enough of what Techstream does with the systems you’re trying to diagnose and repair. For some systems—brakes, air conditioning, SRS, radio head unit—there are ways to read and clear diagnostic trouble codes by using jumper wires or button presses, but you might still need Techstream or an equivalent for certain tasks. For example, as Toyota warns in the Repair Manual (more info), you can’t bleed all the air out of the brake actuator without a diagnostic tool that can instruct the skid control ECU to do the job. “Lite” is misleading—the only thing that makes it “Lite” is that they’re not also selling you a PC. The Techstream software and its capabilities are the same. Also, most do-it-yourselfers would find it less costly to buy only the vehicle interface module ($495) upfront and subscribe to TIS, as needed, two days ($65) at a time.
The toyoda tec was way to go for me we already had about 8 toyodas . Only the hybrids ever need TEC . The regular cars thru about 10 no need it.
Will the two day professional work on a Mac? What is a J2534 interface module? Where do you get it? Thanks
My problem is I can't start the car because I have the Check Hybrid System error message At this point I have no idea why
What do you mean third party equivalent? and where can I get that? Can I get a suitable scanner for around 250.00 or less ? My friend's FOXWELL showed nothing Thanks
The Toyota Techstream software requires the Microsoft Windows operating system, as do the device drivers and libraries for J2534 modules. See Toyota’s FAQ (PDF) for the complete requirements. You could use a Mac computer only if it has Windows running in a virtual machine or by dual boot. The rest of the Toyota TIS subscription works with a Mac; you can view the Repair Manual and Electrical Wiring Diagram series, service bulletins, training course handbooks, and so on. SAE J2534, Recommended Practice for Pass-Thru Vehicle Programming, standardizes an interface between diagnostic software on a Windows PC and hardware that connects to a vehicle. A typical interface module, such as the MongoosePro Toyota 2 linked above, consists of an active cable with a USB connector for the computer and an SAE J1962 connector for the vehicle, device drivers, and a software library (DLL) that a diagnostic application such as Techstream can invoke to send and receive CAN and other data bus messages, set voltages on certain pins, and so on. Tactrix Openport 2.0 is another example of a J2534 module that works with Techstream. You won’t be able to diagnose a hybrid system problem with just an OBD II code reader, but you don’t necessarily need a Techstream system, either. I’d suggest referring to the thread @ChapmanF kindly linked in post #3 above.
So I don't need a techstream What can I use then? One of those OBD2 apps mentioned above by chapman? Also Is there a handheld scanner that will diagnose Hybrid problems? Thanks
I tried a couple of scanners and they showed no codes at all Based on I am planning to get this scanner from Innova https://www.innova.com/products/carscan-tech-5510?_pos=1&_sid=e8b75c4ce&_ss=r I am hoping this will work with a Prius 3rd Gen Do any Innova scanners indicate engine and main battery temperature ? Thanks
No My inNova 3100 w ABS button will get codes will not show batt temps or any of that .Dr Prius does that and free . They're are a few others w fancy display screens n all that . I really don't need that anymore once you know how to read the lights on these things you pretty much very quickly know what you have with basic p codes and the lights on it's only a few things even down to the brake controls and really a few codes and that's what you're looking at until you've got really weird stuff going on like leaking battery modules in the back where you need the 600 code or cookie and all this kind of stuff when you're having all these troubles you're just going to look back there anyway because that's usually where a bunch of crap is going on anyway so you're going to wind up looking at the battery and at that point you can see if you have any leaks rotten cells swelled cells whatever