Last night the low beams wouldn’t come on. The fogs and brights work. Bulbs were new last summer. Please let me know what the fix is. Thank you. 2012 C base model
A really surprising number of drivers don't notice one headlight is burnt out until the second one also burns out. So don't feel bad, it happens a lot. Also, short bulb lifetime length can be a symptom of incorrect installation, either getting a fingerprint on the glass bulb or not seating the flange all the way... but it also just naturally happens with high-output variants of the bulbs.
The other kind of bulbs that burn out quickly is expensive ones. The ones that are sold as premium, extra bright, are made that way by deliberately trading lifespan for brightness. So they're expensive, and they don't last long. And at the auto parts places, they are usually the ones hanging right at eye level saying "buy me! buy me! buy me!". The standard ones, with standard brightness and non-premium pricing, are probably hanging on the pegs down by your ankles, where the shop hopes you won't look.
Buy the Sylvania LED ones, they illuminate the way good enough, and they are LED you know, they don't get hot, they are efficient.
Thanks. Will go pick some up. I bought these ones about 15mo ago. I’ll update soon. Are they H11 or 9005? I’m seeing both.
Should be h11 for low and 9005 for high. Cheap is less than $17 from no names on ebay or amazon. Even Philips has been poor lately.
H11 was correct and thanks, apparently they were both burned out. Just picked up Slyvania Extravision for $27 at WalMart as I remembered that’s what I used on my moderately built 150mi daily turbo DSM 25yrs ago. Thanks. Miss yesteryear and that DSM. Very quick, and 33mpg on the highway. By very quick I mean there was no stock car that could beat it. I had a $132 cat back and free mod making maybe 220-230hp. Inch past a Grand National, Owned Mustang 5.0/4.6, dead even with a Vette, lost half a length to an NSX. Beat a big lean Harley. Great car. You know what was very quick… Taurus SHO… I had 2 DSMs, but my daily was fwd so no ridiculous launch, but great roll-on at speed and lighter. Sorry for the ‘tale’ and the Mexico story.