Hello! I'm planning to swap out the factory Nav system (no JBL) in my 2014 Prius 3 with a Pioneer unit. However, after poring over the wiring diagrams I've found, I'm not quite sure what the two plugs at the far right of this picture are: To be clear, I'm referring to the blue plug with a gray cable seen in the top right corner of this image, and the white plug directly beneath it that has two black cables running into a sleeve (I believe there's also a third cable tucked in there that you can't see in this picture). Anybody know what these cables are? I'd like to not, you know, destroy the new head unit and/or the car because I didn't know what these wires do.
I have found the Toyota wiring diagrams, weirdly, to be rather sparse on details for antenna connections, compared to how thoroughly they present everything else.