I recently bought an 2009 Prius with ~175K miles. There were a number of things that needed repairs, which I knew about before buying it: brakes, clockspring, 12v battery, and the MFD. The MFD side (mechanical) buttons all work, but the touch screen is unresponsive... except when on the map screen. If I touch the screen on the map screen the crosshairs will move downward, no matter where I touch. Otherwise the screen is receiving power and the display is coming up. What I have done: Had the MFD serviced by AutoBeYours: The symptoms are exactly the same after I received the MFD back. AutoBeYours told me that they bench tested the unit and also tested it in a Prius. AutoBeYours seems to have a very good reputation, so I don't doubt that they did that testing. They suggested that I replace the 12v battery (which I did with an OEM from dealership). Unfortunately that didn't help. I checked for and found one blown fuses... but that didn't resolve the problem. I checked and reseated the MFD cable connections I tried accessing touch screen calibration but can't get past the initial diagnostic screen because you can't get to the touch screen calibration screen with a non-responsive touch screen. I checked for debris around the touchscreen bezel, and cleaned some minor dust with canned air. I checked for error codes (with OBD2 and phone app), but there are none. I replaced the cabin air filter and didn't see any signs of rodents (which I guess can be an issue) The clockspring was replaced while the MFD was being serviced at AutoBeYours I am pulling out what little hair I have left trying to hunt this down. AutoBeYours says that I can send the unit back and they will re-check and repair if needed, but I want to make sure that I have done everything I can on my end before doing so. I am hoping someone might have a suggestion on what else I can check.
Any updates on this? Were you able to resolve your issue? I also just had my mfd repaired through autobeyours and it was powering on up on installation. Luckily for me I have a friend who also has a 2005 Prius with a functional mfd. I tried swapping them, my mfd didn't work in his vehicle, and his functional mfd worked fine in mine. I'll be contacting them on Monday to see if they have any ideas.
I ended up sending back to autobeyours. They fixed and returned it and I haven’t had any problems since then.