I prefer to just drive about 6 inches from someone's rear bumper, at 70+ mph. Keeps the mind alert and the heart strong.....
Yes I did a sudo break check That is not going 40 to 30 so the driver behind is like screech , sure the other driver thought oh sh## This situation , I'm watching , he's coming fast , closer & closer I estimate 60 to my 40 with full ability to go left lane & be on your way Don't ride a person's bumper , .Extreme riding a person's bumper , can have the - As you pullover .phenomenon , the driver behind you actually follows you in such a way even with blinker , for a second follows you as you pull over cause there not really looking so they assume your driving the road. A single lane road is different - way different - your gonna have to gun it & pull over to shoulder when able .
My experience exactly. When I’m in my Tundra or Camaro people leave me alone. People almost always give me plenty of space in the truck. Often people yield to me even if it’s their right of way. It’s always a completely different experience in the Prius. People feel it’s fine to cut me off and tailgate. Just the way it is.
I pulled out of our side street yesterday, turning right. To my left a guy had traffic stopped, just making a left, and with "traffic calming" island right there, nobody could get around him. Anyway, all clear, I make my turn onto main road, getting up to speed, and a big, red pickup is hurtling towards me from behind, swerved out over solid yellow, and doing his best to crease my front/left corner, pulling back in short. I swerved right to avoid without even thinking, no contact. Funny thing, he hung a right about 100 yards past the zone where he passed me. But hey, a statement had to be made. I think if I'd been one of his brethren in an F150, none of his BS would have happened. Even if you can get their plate, what can you say? He passed unsafely? And do you want to report psychopaths?? What puzzles me, this joker likely goes from one confrontation to the next; why the heck is he still legal. Addendum: THIS is what you need: (thanks to @Toyota2 )
Here to say last eight months had been driving slow ( to save fuel ) my Honda ridgeline a nice clean truck some close followers . The chevy silverado Never happens even tractor trailers . See the Prius has a different Vibe Honda ridgeline some close followers , but Prius has such close followers I say W-T-F is this ,you get backed into a corner . You stay your course at there mercy . In the reality of normal driving the Prius can compete you can be the head of the pack you can blaze by cars at 85 to 100 . Just cause you can does not mean you will . Over all I see electric cars drivers trend to drive modist & they are fast if needed . Hybrid drivers seem to also drive modist , Its a choice .
On the flipside of this, there have been several times where I’ve been speeding past a speed trap and would almost certainly have been pulled over had I been driving my loud (and fast looking) Camaro SS.