Is anyone running 8" or 9" speakers in their front doors? Or know if they will fit? I currently have Morel 6.5" mids, but I am rebuilding my system and want to go bigger. I know the Hertz Mille Legend 7" will fit. I'd love to jam in the Morel MW9 9" woofer in there, but I am fairly sure it won't fit. I have no issue cutting metal to fit a larger speaker. I'm just hoping to learn from others before taking off the door panel and measuring.
You're going to have a tough time with the 9-in speakers I don't even know the depth but it will be a stretch If you don't mind not putting the windows down you could possibly make it work I think I have doors apart and can take pictures but it would certainly be a stretch . If you could slice the door panel at an angle in such a way is to remove the bump for the speaker and remake your own out of fiberglass 3D printing who knows. But just remember you're putting all of this sound pressure in your door I mean help my little factory six and a half's or whatever's in there now create enough door rattle to drive a sane person crazy I mean just every little thing in the door that can possibly vibrate and move the clips that guide the rods and there's everything so make sure while you're in the door to vacuum out all the little pieces of broken glass or whatever is down in the doors because everything in that mofo is going to vibrate and rattle and to me that sounds worse than the sound. But in my van I have 8 in door speakers and that's an old one sienna and that was a stretch getting those in there in the modified factory space and unmodified door panels If you want to modify door panels and speaker bumps then the possibilities are almost endless but I can't see where 4 6 and 1/2 that's both front and rear doors loaded up with the nicest 6 and 1/2 you can buy We won't go into that here but whatever you're poison would certainly be seemingly just as decent now unless you're just a serious bass head that needs that kind of sound pressure level right next to his leg you know that's all subjective good luck with your project
I can send you some pictures of Gen 2's and Gen 3s with the door panels off and the tape measure sitting it various angles depths width of space height etc so you can clearly see these things if you like I generally can't get them to post here but I can send them to you some kind of way that moves you.
The 9" has a 7.5" cutout and 2.8" depth. Mounting diameter is 8.75" The blue line length would determine the max size that can fit. Could you grab measurements in that area? Thanks a million.
I will have to drive to a C to get but that should almost be a very close replica of a generation too also doors being very similar inside panel wise but I should be able to get over to the C in the next few days