So I took a few screenshots of the Dr. Prius view after doing a reconditioning and taking it for a test drive. Run very nice and mpg was great. I was a little concern about the screen that is red when i was breaking. Is it normal for it to get that high? No codes or anything but just curious. Thanks
The yellow is designed to let you know you're getting close to peak charge or peak discharge. And the red is when you reach it. In general the car is programmed to protect itself by shutting things down or dialing them back. However if you fully charge a pack and don't wait for the charge levels to come down on their own the computers in the car will take a while to realize that so if you're right away going down a hill using regenerative breaking you're going to overcharge because of that delay. It shouldn't be a problem if brief, but probably eliminated a good chunk of remaining cycles the pack is good for. Main thing you want to pay attention to is the number in the middle known as "Votlage Difference" 0.2 volts or less is fine, and on rare occasions 0.4 volts will happen when under high amp loads. But when it gets up to a whole volt of difference you're about to throw a red warning triangle. Based on your data Block #1 & Block #4 might soon have a bad module. The good news is that you're ahead of the game for getting the reconditioning done and you can keep driving it with a plan to replace the bad module after further observation & testing. Professor Joe makes the best used replacement modules in my opinion:
Took the car to work today. The red triangle came on. P3015 weak 5th module. I reset the codes and drove it til work. The triangle kept hitting again and the circle with the exclamation came on too, break regen dash sign. I work about 30 miles from home, is it safe to drive this back home? The last 5 mins to work it was struggling to go above 20 miles per hour. Now at lunch break it accelerates fine. Should i just drive with triangle on to home or keep resetting it? Is it safe on the car to drive it home 30 miles? I dont care about the battery as i decided to get a new one now. How would i know if its reverse polarity? Is that even a thing for hv battery? The only code is P3015 I just noticed at red light with AC running the car battery is being charged instead of drained etc. Please someone reply in next 4 hours. Thank you
Apologies for not seeing this sooner... As long as you keep clearing codes and battery doesn't start running super hot you can go a long ways...