When I purchased Prius I was in Fuel Beat down , A living nightmare , My used P had 137,and change ( miles ) Last night I noticed 140,430 So I've put on 3000 miles or very close in less then a month .I spent $133 work maybe an extra $20 non work Previous chevy Silverado about same miles driven work non work $850 I know I've picked a bad auto to compare . Still its clear one way or another a hybrid needs to be the purchase Fine income - New - not so fine - Used . If you drive a lot how can there be another choice .
Many people on this forum tell people to buy a Corolla instead of a Prius to avoid complexity and get 30+ mpg
I purchased mine used and do not regret it for a second. I drive a lot. Because I needed to tow a boat and my mechanic was not fixing my mini van, I purchased a 97 ravy 4 with 96k miles on it. I get half the gas mileage with the rav 4. I sure miss the prius when I am driving the ravy.
I often tell people who are considering a high mile gen3 purchase (higher than 150k miles) to buy a conventional Corolla or Civic in their price range for improved reliability and lower cost of ownership. It is not just the cost of gas when there can easily be $5k-$10k of major maintenance coming up. This is especially important if they are paying $12k for a $6k used car.
usually when the question goes like this: 'i don't have any money, and no nothing about cars. but i've always wanted a prius, what do you think about this 2010 with 189,000 miles?'
The chances of life are choices. Here's a story - - 3 years ago . I seen a used Honda CR-V , since my daughter had one 1990's vintage & great on fuel I figured it's a Honda , I cant go wrong & it was newer First I was disappointed by fuel MPG at best I pulled 21 mpg , next I notice a knock , A year later a spun bearing , One can not always predict what becomes of a car.. That car was a bad choice
From what I’ve seen, a Prius is frequently a better choice than a comparable Corolla. https://www.dashboard-light.com/vehicles/Toyota_Prius.html https://www.dashboard-light.com/vehicles/Toyota_Corolla.html
Another true method & I understood from cars of past . The simple question ? Are the cars still running ? some times you notice - Year after Year a particular model out and about . when you consider yearly improvements on cars & reason to have , yet old war horses still on road even beat up looking the proof is there They are good . BTW the Honda CR-V I had , the cost to fix was past $5000 might of been able to go $4000 with used motor from japan ` due to programs they have to remove high mileage motors from public then get sold out of country . Any way I did not repair . major repairs deadly for any car