11/2022 prices of engine oil consumption remedies

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by possumcar, Nov 11, 2022.

  1. possumcar

    possumcar New Member

    Jun 3, 2022
    2010 Prius
    This is based off of my other thread of keep or sell. I have a few local Toyota dealers and usually I do my own work but I think the problems my car has is better left to a professional and for me a warranty.
    It looks like I have a few options to fix and save my car. I’m looking for some idea of how much each of these things might cost at the Toyota dealer. I know they might try to steer me the wrong way because they are salesman up selling work and I don’t trust them. If I get the car fixed and put a few thousand into it I can drive it for another 5 years hopefully. It would be nice if the oil burning issue was fixed, but I’m asking because it is probably easier and cheaper to replace all of this stuff while they have it torn apart. I’m willing to spend some money on this as most of the cars I have recently looked at are in worse shape than mine and need all kinds of things I have already replaced on this car. Plus this car saves me money in fuel.

    Here are the codes my car is displaying:
    Cylinder #2 misfire detected p0302
    Control module performance p0607
    Low or high supply voltage c1241

    1. Have them completely clean EGR to eliminate cylinder misfire engine shake.
    2. Clean EGR and replace head gasket (necessary?)
    3. Clean EGR and rebuild with new piston/rings (motor in car)
    4. New short block and pistons, clean EGR (same thing as 3?) (motor out of car)
    5. Warrantied rebuilt motor, not sure how I would coordinate this with Toyota or where I would get one.

    I’m wondering if anyone had any of these things done at your local Toyota dealer and how much it cost, and how much money would you be willing to put into this car? I called local Toyota service today and they want $130 just to tell me what’s wrong with the car and what it’s going to cost to fix it. Also, the dealers down in this way probably don’t see or work on many Prius and maybe I should travel closer to a city hub where the mechanics are experienced more with this car and engine. At this point I have to do something with it, I’m not sure it will pass VEIP emissions test with the check engine light on. Location is east coast US within an hour of DC.

    Thanks for the replies.
  2. mikey_t

    mikey_t Active Member

    Feb 5, 2019
    Los Angeles
    2010 Prius
    When I had my 2010 checked out and they found oil seeping from the head gasket, the dealership quoted me something around $3500 for a headgasket job. The option of getting a used engine installed was somewhere around $8000, I don't remember if that included the cost of the used engine but it probably didn't. The dealership likely won't clean your EGR but rather would replace the circuit; I've no idea what would cost for parts and labor but probably way too much.

    It might be worthwhile to research hybrid mechanics near your area, if any exist, or the best local mechanics and ask how much it would cost to install an engine. I'd then look into the cost of buying a rebuilt from HybridPit in southern California. If you go that route you could ask the local mechanic to give you the EGR parts to clean yourself or order freshly cleaned ones from HybridPit as well as I think they offer package deals. I had them install a rebuilt engine (I'm local) and can vouch for the quality; my car has been great since the swap.

    Here is their website:

    #2 mikey_t, Nov 11, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Hybrid pit that's you're 8 grand to have an engine . I'd call JDM get a trans and engine at one time .drop that assembly in the 10 quickly fore battery issues if not get a rack from Dr hybrid right near you the south American guy. The jdm guys will have or have quickly you're brake parts too . Bring the car to MC I will help you make it a reality the eng trans and brake part will all be about 2500 bux at most of I get my guy on schedule about 900 installed with liquids . 5 miles from my house this happens. And after engines installed we go over to shop and get car running . And do brakes . And you go home. I dontake a dime because o don't need to . Good luck I'm in 27243. Always tearing into sumthin so call first or such . Good luck
  4. mikey_t

    mikey_t Active Member

    Feb 5, 2019
    Los Angeles
    2010 Prius
    Huh? HybridPit's most expensive option is $2711.94. It was around $4500 total for the engine and to install.
  5. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Maybe you should disclose your rate of oil consumption?

    And the miles on the car?

    You're on a fools mission, asking the dealership to "clean" your EGR system, doubly so this late in the game, with P0302. You likely do have a failing head gasket, and all the EGR cleaning is not going to restore it. And asking a dealership to deal with it will be an expensive and likely incomplete exercise in frusttration.
    mikey_t and Grit like this.
  6. possumcar

    possumcar New Member

    Jun 3, 2022
    2010 Prius
    All good points. I will check first with local hybrid mechanics, I know we’ll have a few. I’ll follow up on looking at all the options presented. If it was in any other time I would just buy another vehicle. Currently it doesn’t make any financial sense to purchase another vehicle because everything is so overpriced and there isn’t much on Craigslist. I’m a cash buyer but there just aren’t many vehicles on the private market. These car dealers have ridiculous fees on top of an inflated purchase price.

    I’ll drive it until something happens to it. As far as the oil consumption it might be almost a quart a thousand miles. I have not been driving consistent mileage this year. I have been buying 15/40 in bulk at Costco and this car just guzzles it. I have 187k miles. Mechanically the car is in great shape, I have been very good to it on the maintenance end.

    I will do more research and report back. Thanks for all the helpful replies.
    Mendel Leisk and mikey_t like this.