So I didnt do some online research and just bled brakes after pad change. I have the message Check Hybrid system so of course it does not run, Tried the battery disconnect/re-connect and it had no affect. Tried jumping the ODB-II port and put it in diag mode. The error symbols flash but nothing is cleared. The symbols are ABS and brake. Is it possible to reset this 2011 Gen III Prius to factory settings an clear ALL codes? The ODB shows none but hey have to exist.
Disconnecting 12v resets the car to factory settings... The problem you have is the car is sensing the problem right away soon as it reboots. Do you have any other symptoms? Did you disconnect the 12v when you replaced that pads?
Try disconnecting battery (neg cable), pump brake pedal multiple times, then reconnect and try another start up. It could be system detecting excessive brake pedal travel. you could also try a brake fluid replacement procedure; there’s a link in my signature. Also a link regarding brake inspection, rear in particular.
Generally you don't bleed the brakes after a pad change you relieve the fluid at the caliper squeezing it down and closing the zerk before it bottoms or right as it bottoms then you insert your pads but the caliper back on there's nothing to bleed You're just going to pump the brakes and they're going to squeeze up on the caliper like they're supposed to and everything's hunky-dory then you go do the other side do the same thing of course you have to make sure the fuse are batteries disconnected because the minute you start messing around with the system it'll come on all by itself I'm surprised this didn't happen when you were doing all this business but such as life so now you've probably got air into the system because I don't know how you manage to try and bleed it exactly because when you're holding down on the pedal if the car is on or anything it's trying to pump fluid and do all kinds of things I guess if the car was off and the remote wasn't near it and all that you could crack and drip bleed the thing.
Indeed they do, but codes specific to the hybrid system may not show up on a generic reader. If you can get someone to pull the codes using Techstream we can figure out the issue. There are various codes for which the car may throw up the "Check hybrid system" message. Some of them are temporary and go away when the 12V is disconnected and reconnected. Others are not and do not, so it would be helpful to figure out exactly what your codes are.
Indeed they do, but codes specific to the hybrid system may not show up on a generic reader. If you can get someone to pull the codes using Techstream we can figure out the issue. There are various codes for which the car may throw up the "Check hybrid system" message. Some of them are temporary and go away when the 12V is disconnected and reconnected. Others are not and do not, so it would be helpful to figure out exactly what your codes are. They flash in a certain sequence that actually gives you one or more two-digit codes. You can read more about it here.
They are all "ABS related", in the sense that the ABS computer is what gives you those codes. But it's on a network with other computers in the car, and some of the things it can tell you about are things going on elsewhere. By the way, what's the g really in "C125g" ? A DTC with a g in it isn't a thing. For the moment, I'll guess that was C1259, because that code and C1310 are often seen together. Both of those codes only mean the ABS computer has heard that there are trouble codes elsewhere in the car, in the power management control ECU. So you will want to know what those codes are too, but it seems you didn't get those with this scan tool. C1345 means the process to learn the linear solenoid valve offset still needs to be done, and C1392 means the stroke sensor zero point hasn't been learned (something that also happens when you do the linear solenoid offset learning). C1203 is a code that can indicate mismatched parts in the system, which can be kind of a headache, but it turns out you can also have C1203 just because the linear solenoid offset hasn't been learned yet. So that offset learning procedure will probably take care of those three codes. You will probably still have the C1310 and C125(9?) and you'll have to find out what the power management control ECU codes are talking about before you solve that issue.