I was just driving home from work and I was about 10 minutes away from home and it started shaking. I turned a corner onto the highway and the shaking stopped for a couple minutes then started again. It also started pulling really hard to the left. The tires looked okay and no warning lights came on so I limped it home. It shook most of the way but stopped a couple times for a minute or two. I was turning to pull into my driveway and it made a really loud grinding noise and stopped going. The car didn’t shut off and again no warning lights. I turned it off and moved it to the curb. I tried turning it back on after a couple minutes and it sounded fine but I didn’t try to drive it. My local shop can’t look at it for a couple days. I’m just wondering if anyone else had this happen and what it was.
So is the shaking related to when the car moves? Or is the shaking related to when the gas engine is on?
Hey man, just chased this same problem for several months in my 2007 Prius. Jack up both of the front wheels, start the car and put it in drive, both wheels should turn. My car felt like the passenger wheel was about to fall off. It turned out to be the drivers side CV axle hat failed and one of the bearings had come completely off (there are 3). This caused it to vibrate at about 50mph when accelerating or decelerating. There was a sweet spot where there was no vibration. I included a couple of pictures the first is missing 2 bearings, the second is the way it is supposed to look. The part of the axle that held the c clip on broke completely off.
If you have already gotten your car inspected by the local shop, could you please post what the local shop told you the issue was? Thank you.