048F16AA-A6F3-4915-83B6-7D2879D908DC by Hookitlow posted Nov 7, 2022 at 8:16 PM 048F16AA-A6F3-4915-83B6-7D2879D908DC by Hookitlow posted Nov 7, 2022 at 8:16 PM Recently bought a used 2020 prime as my wife’s 2010 Prius II is coming up on 300k Is there an mpg meter like there is in the gen 3? I used it a lot as I was cruising to try to find that sweet spot on the pedal.
One of the displays of the battery utilization shows instantaneous mph so the answer is yes but in a slightly different format.
Use the "Split Screen" display, you can display instant MPG or miles/kWh (switches automatically) next to the Speed on the main screen.
That’s what I’m looking for!!! Thank you. split screen display Ok so I looked, but I can only get the chg/eco/pwr meter there so far.
It says you are like 98% of drivers who just get in and drive the car to get you from A to B safely and reliably. Toyota sets up defaults in the car to provide you what you need to get the job done and not much more. Customizations are over-rated IMO. Don't beat yourself up.
Yea don't overthink things. As my sig says. "Just Drive It". You'll have more fun. Unless of course you get off on tinkering then all bets are off.