i change the headgasket and also change the map sensor but the code doesn’t erase and the reading is 0 still. run every diag if anyone can help….
i have checked everything out but still the code doesn’t erase if cleared stays on. change the sensor and intake with it change egr too.
The P0107 code means that the electrical signal reaching the ECM from the MAP sensor went below 0.5 volts for at least 0.5 seconds. Because the code returns immediately when you clear it, this does not sound like some intermittent, bouncing-wire issue, it sounds like a hard electrical fault that should be fairly straightforward to trace. The troubleshooting section for P0107 in the repair manual is eight pages. When you say "I have checked everything out", that doesn't really give us enough information to help you with. It would be better if you could take us through the sequence of troubleshooting steps as you've done them, and the results or measurements you got at each step. Then it's possible we could spot a clue that wasn't obvious at first look. Changing the intake or EGR doesn't figure into the P0107 troubleshooting steps at all, and changing the sensor is only something you might do depending on the outcome of step 2. So following the troubleshooting steps can often help you avoid spending time or money doing things that won't contribute to finding the problem.
okay first i checked the connector and and change the sensor but the reading is steel zero in the scanner and the code is still there and the car is also rattling on idle. one wire have 5 volt on ignition and other had .5. the other wire was ground but i don’t know how to test. the
okay first i checked the connector and and change the sensor but the reading is steel zero in the scanner and the code is still there and the car is also rattling on idle. th
Were those measurements made at the MAP sensor wiring connector, unplugged from the sensor, as in step 2 of the troubleshooting procedure? If so, the 0.5 indicates a problem; without the sensor to pull it down, that should normally be 4 to 5 volts. So, in that case, you would suspect a wiring issue somewhere, and proceed to step 3 to try to narrow it down.
i took it to the dealership and left it for a day they told me the problem was is the fuel pressure line which connect to the fuel rail. I have no idea how they connect the code.