Hello I really could use some help figuring out which light is which in my Prius head and tail lights, I looked everywhere including the manual but almost found nothing, it would be great if someone have a diagram to identify all the included lights in these assemblies. Also does the fog lights have high and low beams ?
Couldn't you just turn on the lights on your Prius to figure it out?? Using another member's photos, here's my annotation No. Foglights have a single wattage bulb. Your Four does not have foglights, only Three Touring and Four Touring (unless the previous owner added it afterwards). You will have a black plastic blank in lieu of foglights.
New Car Features (more info) has such diagrams, in the topic Vehicle Exterior: Lighting (Ext): Lighting System: General. They show the lights @Tideland Prius kindly identified above, plus the front and rear side marker lights.