I searched and found nothing on this. Only have a single FOB now and it died. Have to insert it into the KEY slot to start. How can you program a new FOB with no working FOB? I also understand you can not take "USED" FOB and reprogram it? Anyway I do have a 2007 with the silver back (smart key) Funds are super tight but would like to have the smart functions back. Thanks for any and all help
I been doing same for months you know the pick up sensor for alarm is behind rear cup holder and on trunk floor opposite battery tray they're white with red markings on them . And numbers on them that probably corresponds to the system and fob . . They're are locksmiths out they're that know what's happening . Inside remote is a sticker you need crack open fob and take a good picture of sticker this is what the key guys need to program a green fob board . The transponder chip is working great I slot or docked it turns red key off and allows start . Don't loose that lil chip .if you do you're toast look online for a break down of remote and location of transponder chip lil black thing VS green board with battery . The part you need renewed. I hope you understand .
Sounds like you just need a new battery in your inoperative FOB. Buy a new battery CR1632 at Walmart. The directions for replacing the battery are on youtube. Get your FOB working and then you can have a duplicate made - don't go to the Toyota dealer. The cheapest I found in my area for an independent locksmith was $235 for a replacement FOB. Call around.
If battery or board is dead then you slot the remote .and beeps return and car can start..wen green board is operational seems like car starts with fob in pocket in hand etc . No need dock
Thank you! I've been fighting the urge to say that for years! Unless we're talking about shipping tariffs, it's just a fob.
If he's still alive talk to all lock and key in Maine That's a state in the United States up north this guy will tell you what he can do and it's a lot or it used to be a lot.