I have a 2010 gen 3 prius that I recently had to change the head gasket on. I am at 212k miles and had the shaky acceleration and after much research i realized i needed to replace it. After getting it all put back together, I go to start the car and it shakes really badly and loudly then the engine dies and the check hybrid system light comes on. Now if i turn the car on all the lights come on and it wont start. I thought maybe the timing was wrong so i tore the head back down to fix it and the timing chain was stretched so i replaced that along with the cam phasor. Put it all back together and the same thing happened. Horrible shaking and then the check hybrid system light. As a final try i refilled the tappits with oil thinking maybe they were causing the engine to run rough and die but then it did it again. If i let the car sit for a day after unplugging the white wire in the fuse box and the orange plug on the hybrid battery i can get it to run for about two seconds and then die again. Sometimes after letting it sit it'll run but as soon as i put it into gear it dies gain. I cant seem to figure out the problem so i figured id come here since i couldn't find another post detailing the same thing.
Those warning lights have error codes that will tell the story... Maybe a misfire on one of the cylinders?
Have you looked on the car and looked at the center girdle there's three pieces to the engine The head the middle girdle and the bottom piece of structure that the little oil pan is attached to The middle section tends to break look on here for pictures there's plenty see if you have cracks or breakage in this area you may want to stop what you're doing so far my experience with head gasketing a z engine is a semi lost cause seems it's the way they're made.
I might have what I’m talking about wrong. My grandpa is a mechanic and he’s the one that did it but I know it’s up in the cam shafts area and has to do with something about the movements of valves I think. I haven’t looked at the block for cracks yet. I suppose it could’ve cracked pre replacement of the head gasket. I can look at it later though and update. I’ve used the scan tool but it all came up with pass no fault. The lights are the same ones that would turn on if you put the car into accessory mode.
You need a phone app via OBD2 or Mini-VCI device via Toyota Techstream w/Windows laptop that pulls Prius specific error codes and subcodes. Anything that says "pass / no fault" and you got warning lights and engine won't start is not able to read those error codes.
How long does the engine “run”for? I believe it’s around 8 to 10 seconds is running off just the battery to try to start. It will sound like the engine is running but it is not.
Remember every failed attempt to start the car it drains the hybrid battery a little bit. If it gets depleted too much you will not be able to start the car. You will have to get a new battery or grid charge the main battery.
Yes, that's what the tappets are, and they do contain oil, but he didn't really disassemble the valve train and put oil into all 16 tappets, did he? That might be a first. The oil gets to the tappets by the oil pump at the front of the engine pumping it up there from the crankcase, which is also how the oil gets to the bearings, valve timing adjuster, and so on. None of those need to be oiled individually. Just keeping the engine crankcase filled to the right level on the dipstick takes care of it.
Im not totally sure if thats exactly what my grandpa did but he bought some specific pump for them to put oil into them individually. It is roughly around that time i think. you can see the whole engine shake and sound like its trying to run. Its almost like its misfiring.
It's a lot of work getting to those tappets, slightly less work than a head gasket job. The first 17½ minutes of this video shows the process. Right at 17:28 or so, he has removed the 16 roller rockers, and then you can see the 16 tappets (well, the 8 on the near side anyway) that were under the rockers, one next to each of the 16 valves. Hard for me to imagine anyone going to that kind of effort to put oil into them individually.