Having cut the original tube between the PCV valve and intake manifold, I have this on hand, was around $10 CDN: for trade-in time, or whatever.
I used that exact part number on my Italian bikes valve cover breather. Fit perfectly. The Italian hose is very cheap junk not for emissions duty at all .
Another option is to get a 3/8 x 3/8 inch connector. Remove just the OCC, connect the two hoses together and tuck them out of sight. Pass inspection, then reinstall the OCC. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Easier with Pex splicers than barbed; the latter are a bear for pulling hoses off. Plus, I want to be able to restore it to stock, if and when. what I’ve done with barb connectors: mount them in a drill press, and just knock the sharp edge off with a file.
Gonna dive deep to do the egr/intake clean this coming week, just waiting for my occ to arrive. Might as well swap the plugs while everything is out too. Anything else to replace or look at while I'm there? I want to get to the bottom of this leak, here's a closer up picture in case anyone else has dealt with it.
I think you find it that oil sensor once it starts letting oil n vapor thru it's plastic to metal seal this is exactly the look it has in that area . That settling you see is those vapors being blown round then settling . If twas running from like the cover lid or valve cover it would Run down as in longer streak not the grainy settlement we see here . Air movement does this here.take pics on dis assembly
A question regarding the oem Denso plugs. I called around and I'm being quoted around $16 for EACH plug at autozone, oreilys etc, on ebay the set of 4 is $14.99...what am I missing here? Sellers seem reputable and more than one selling for that price, are they all fakes? 4 Pcs 90919-01253 DENSO SC20HR11 3444 Spark Plugs Iridium Fit Toyota
The ones on ebay are chinese copies. CHEAP copies. You do not want them! You have to be very careful about chinese copied Toyota parts. They don't last.
Hmm..even the ones in Toyota boxes with the parts number? Can I go cheap on this one or OEM only? Thanks!
One used to be able to tell if you had the plug in hand. They're used to be stamped ridges and lil icon looking designs in the metal . That miraculously disappeared about 5 yrs into the internet. These markings that is . I may be able to provide pics of several of the designs as I been running since about 82 I have few samples in drawer I used to get directly from my sales person at DENSO USA. Had account they're . My salesman Hahn is dead . The US office is fubar now. Like most stuff
Yeah spark plugs is something you definitely don’t want to cheap out on. I mean even at $16 a piece or $64 for a set of 4. The money you’ll save in labor ($200) plus it’s only a fraction of a fraction of a penny, cost per mile. Those new plugs will probably outlast your oem head gasket. Iridium is very expensive so you’ll never find “cheap” true oem iridium plugs.
Check with dealership parts departments. I do have a go-to local place where I usually get spark plugs, and they're usually available and cheaper, but this time around dealership was cheaper, and the only ones with the spec'd plug. Picked up on the Ides of October, for $16.50 CDN apiece (about $12.05 USD). BTW, Toyota has revised the spec'd plug, to: Denso SC16HR11 Toyota part no: 90919-01275 (A slightly hotter plug)
I will be removing the egr valve and cooler as well as the intake to check for carbon build up. If I do find any can I ise carb or brake cleaner here?
Should be able to buy the real ones for about $49 for a four pack whether you buy NGK top of the lines or the denso. I don't know all the particular numbers today that everybody's searching but I'm talking their top of the line iridium blah blah blah plug I use a different number and all my powersports equipment the Toyota's all take a different number or two etc but that's what we use.
A lot of the tutorial vids change out the pcv valve while they're in there. I'm now wondering if I should do the same. Really wanted to dig in today.
Well if you're already in there it kind of does make sense it over $100,000 over 150 whatever because after you cover it back up you have to go through all of whatever to get to the point to be able to change it again so you have to think of that in your mind if your time is worth all that etc etc generally a PCV valve if you can shake it and hear it rattle and the valve works one way like it's supposed to the old metal ones you could clean with whatever you poison was and put back in service when they went to plastic then you couldn't clean them so well and you just threw them out and replaced.
Brake cleaner works for most, though maybe not the cooler; see second link in my signature for my cooler cleaning pick. First link also worth checking.