Maybe some should plan better, or just not use an EV. Maybe not using a CHAdeMo vehicle would've helped. Electric Nightmare: EV Owner Details 15-Hour Trek to Travel 178 Miles (
The word "anxiety" is often used, in describing those reluctant to buy electric-only vehicles. Kinda like having anxiety about diving into a shallow pond?
My wife has anxiety when my Prius AWDe gets to 350 miles on the tank (it's ok to 500 miles). She will not even consider any EV. JeffD
Our first EV was Nissan Leaf VIN 000596. We missed our nephews' wedding and 80% of the reception after having to stop at a dealership to charge for what was supposed to only be a 60 mile trip - running AC & pulling a grade. we knew we'd never make it once we arrived at the base of the mountain with less than ½ of a charge. Thank you OP ..... for the painful memory. And as Miracle Max said in 'The Princess Bride' ; .
Anyone can write about a bad experience about anything. EV’s take a little more planning for trips beyond range, nothing new. Some people do rash things in every walk of life
Thursday I drove 188 mi round trip from Huntsville AL to Murfreesboro TN. This time I stopped in Lynchburg for a free, L2 charge (28 mi range added per hour) on the way up and back. The charge on the way up, 30 minutes, was to arrive at 4:30 when expected. I also took a biology break. On the way back, another 40 minutes to add 18 mi reserve … and water the bushes. Out of pocket cost, $5.00 leaving at 2 PM and home at 9 PM including putting a cargo carrier on the back and loading everything. In the past, I’ve used the Manchester SuperCharger, $6, while taking a biology break and getting a small Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with a shot of espresso, $4. That route adds 20 miles too. Knowing how poorly air cooled and heated Prius batteries behaved, I was never tempted by a Leaf. Bob Wilson
I clicked without reading the source - breitbart -politically motivated to make people angry. That's how they make money. Just don't believe the bs. 170 miles - why would you in 2022 choose a leaf to do this. A tesla could do it easily. He chose a leaf so he could write how bad evs are and get money from the breitbart, washington examiner, etc crowd. This is one of 3 reviews from the book he wrote from amazon. The other 2 were 5 star and likely friends or fake.
I've owned: 2003 Prius - the first prismatic cell, battery pack, they suffered from electrolyte leaking terminals and easily overheated due to poor air cooling and high internal resistance. I replaced my pack with a rebuilt from Gen-2 cells and never looked back. I did experiments on rehydration of weak cells following a Toyota patent but my plastic sealing failed and there was no solution for the terminal seal leaks. 2010 Prius - the 3d generation, prismatic cells had multiple, cell-to-cell connectors that reduced internal resistance and improved heat transfer. It sill had air cooling but lower internal resistance made them more robust. 2017 Prius Prime - first use of LiON cells, they were prismatic shaped yet fitted in to the spare tire space in the cabin. This is called 'putting a square peg in a round hole.' Air cooled never mattered because poor control laws led to trade-in for a 2019 Tesla Model 3. Bob Wilson
Trying to drive across Wyoming in a Leaf is a little like trying to empty a swimming pool with a 3-gallon bucket. It requires considerable patience. Wyoming is just a giant hole in the DCFC network. The author had to have done that deliberately -- and then presented it like it's typical. And what a bunch of NASTY comments on that article. It was just like the ones the horse people made about ICE cars when they were in their fledgling years.
that's a good analogy. It's like comparing the millions of miles of Road in California compared to the Canadian Northwest Arctic territory. You put DC Quick Chargers where the most people DRIVE AT FIRST. For now - even Tesla has just enough superchargers across Wyoming to get you to the big cities in the surrounding states, which really, those cities comparatively aren't that big. .
The PP battery isn't in the spare wheel well. It sits above it, leaving that space empty void. I found the missing 4" (vertical) in the trunk. It is below the battery. | PriusChat
Agree with the first part - but not the second. There is a tesla supercharger between those two cities, and plenty along the traveled paths. Yes it is bad that short range evs using chademo (japanese, not us, european, or chinese standard) can't cut it for long range trips. You only have the choice of tesla now for long trips in that part of the US, but combo plug will fill in with the infrastructure bill. read my post above. It is raw misleading meat at breatbart. They need to keep the narrative alive that evs don't work, to push their political position.
Yes, I saw that. Good on Tesla for filling in that big empty space at least minimally. Fat lot of good it does everyone else, though. But a Leaf? IN Wyoming? That's just dumb.
It was a blatant effort to mislead... and I know, since my sister-in-law in Gillette where there is a very lonely Electrify America station that was just recently installed. It is a DCFC desert and it simply makes no sense trying such a long drive where it is hilly, windy, and people drive +80 mph in a vehicle pushing it for range using an slow & outdated plug type.
This guy's trip had nothing to do with transportation; he just wants to be famous. People used to walk on their hands or ride unicycles while on fire to get noticed. At least that carried some entertainment value.