I am looking to install the ecohitch and I am trying to remove the rear splash cover and I am having trouble with the plastic clips. For example there are a couple that just doesn't come out even turning counter clockwise for a long time. I broke one of them already out of frustration trying to yank it out. Does anyone know or have a link to installation picture write up or video link somewhere that show close up and explanation? I've had success with other things like egr and water pump because there were abundant of videos and postings.
Yep... Was just putting a hitch on a 2009 Prius last night and had same hassle... I think I end up braking them about 50% of the time unless the car is super low miles and in really good condition. But over the years I've used all kinds of similar clips that work. It's best to have lots of them, or similar on hand when pulling off dirty rust prone belly panel assemblies.
Just to update, I have completed my install, but unfortunately I cut the splash guard incorrectly while trying to rush through wrapping up the project... besides that, I had most issue with the initial clips which I just pried it off and place a new one, fishing the bolt out when the wash came out of place, and lifting the hitch up with a jack on one side while trying to bolt it on the other. If I didn't get a different quote my second call plus having to leave my car overnight, I would have had the shop do it instead.