My daughter's 2008 has the brake error, VSC, and ABS lights on. I've checked all 4 wheel speed sensors and they all check out for resistance. 3 give out ~.33V when spun by hand but 1 only puts out .115V I pulled the suspect one and at some point a previous person snapped the bolt off so they siliconed it back in. I cleaned all that up and (for now before anyone complains) J-B Welded it back in. Same voltage before/after and the tip is clean. There are no OBD codes, so it's in the brake ECU. I don't have access to Techstream but might try to get it in for a scan to be sure, however rockauto has a $40 replacement by Holstein ($50 on Amazon) that I'm not sure of the quality of. Any suggestions on my troubleshooting? Right logic? I'm leaning toward just putting a new $40 sensor in and seeing if that clears it.
Too bad nobody seemed to reply to that post a couple years ago. Whenever you see a post with something like this in it: you know the person posting it wasn't using a suitable trouble code reader to retrieve the brake system trouble codes, because there certainly were some if those lights were on. For a person with no code reader handy (or one that doesn't show the codes), the brake system codes can be read out with nothing more than a jumper wire between the Tc and CG terminals of the diagnostic port, and counting blinks of the dash lights. A quick search in this forum can find a lot of posts on how to do that: here's a good one courtesy of @Mr. F. Wheel sensors only account for a few of the couple hundred issues the brake system can light those warning lights for, so rather than going straight to some guesses about what the issue might be, you can often save a lot of time by just getting the trouble codes so you know what the car's really telling you about.