What has everybody been getting in the cold weather for mileage?I''ve seen about 37 to 42on average when the temp get's done in the 20's.Is that normal for the pruis in the winter time?
So much depends on the length of your drive, the temperature of the traction battery, whether you're talking nighttime low temp or daytime high temp, terrain, driving conditions, traffic, stop signs and traffic lights, etc. Also whether your car is brand-new or has gone beyond about 10K miles, when mpg seems to improve. In Fargo, ND, when the lows were 20 to 30 below zero and the highs were up around zero, my 10-minute each-way commute with a 5-minute warm-up time to get some heat into the cabin yielded me around 30 mpg. My last tankful here in Spokane, WA, was in the upper 40's.
I am sitting at almost 72 mpg at 400 miles on the MFD with temps in the mid 40's and 50's. I have a 20 mile commute that takes me 35 or so minutes in moderate surburban traffic. My car only has 3100 miles on it. I try to pulse and glide, anticipate traffic, and roll up to lights with no regen. My theme; if I have to hit the brake pedal, I must be doing something wrong. Like others have said, temperture, terrain, length of commute, type of commute, and driver's skill play a large role in fuel economy. YMMV.
I have about a 45 minute commute from South Bend, IN to work in Michigan. I am getting a solid 49 MPG. A bit more if I really work at it. About the lowest temperature I have driven in so far was 27F. Im sure it will get a bit worse as winter sets in....