Just a little list of things (in no particular order) I'm thankful for this year. Feel free to add your own. The love of the most wonderful woman I've ever known I'm not spending another holiday unemployed. I have a great car. (Come on ... you knew that one was coming) The PriusChat community. I am healthy enough to do anything I want to. The sense of community in my town. I hope everyone who celebrates it has a wonderful Thanksgiving. For those who don't celebrate, just have a wonderful day.
The fact that I was born a U.S. citizen. The fact that I spent 26+ years doing what I always wanted to and got paid for it The blessing to retire at age 48 A wonderful wife Wonderful kids Food on the table Money in the bank Health Salvation A great church family Air Seasons Trees Natures beauty Just off the top of my head........ Thanks Proco
a loving husband furry and feathered companions family and forgiveness of such the years of work we've put in about to pay off (we hope!) a thesis project i enjoy, a work environment i thrive in, a great boss that DH is happy doing what he does, and his employer is good to him the roof over our heads, the food in our cupboards, and the basic needs that are met health insurance my tumor is benign his lumbar discs are not herniated stepping outside each day and taking a deep breath, hearing the water running into the pond, and knowing i'm alive, that noone is going to try to take my life away from me today...
Okay, here goes... The fact that my holiday family obligations are already done, and I get to spend the day at the movies. My 2 kitties, although one of them isn't too bright. My Prius, of course! Wonderful friends No debt (except for the Prius All the material stuff I really need, plus a few things that I really love (paintings come to mind) The fact that I found out about a potentially dibilitating health problem (ministroke) in time to make some lifestyle changes. Great doctors health insurance The fact that my family lives 70 miles away -- close enough to see my sister whenever I want to and far enough to see my father only rarely. The ability to make baskets. And homemade ginger snaps. On and on and on Whew! This was good for me. Despite poor physical and mental health, I have sooooo much to be thankful for! Peace --
Sorry Proco.. looks like I was writing a similiar thread the same time you were posting yours..... I deleted mine. ------------------------------------------------------ Yes, giving of thanks!.. I'm thankful thats something we still do in America! Thank God, its still an American Tradition! And if you don't believe in God and your thankful, you'll have to figure out who you are thankful to! :lol: I just want to offer thanks that we live in the United States of America and its still safe "so far". Although some 3rd world countries are not yet targets of terrorism, few are not targets and none are immune. Almost every country which represents freedom and technological advancements have been targeted "Even Russia who makes trade with them!" As much as there is corruption and wrong in America, it also has enough light within her that she still stands and proclaims her freedom with the Statue of Liberty... something we may not enjoy much longer as we give away our secrets, our trust and our freedoms to those bent to destroy us. In spite of what you think about politics, be thankful its not ten times worse and that your still an American! Yes, I'm still proud to be an American!, made up of mere mortals with imperfections, shortsightedness, and vulnerablities to being consumed in our own selfishness....... but we still love freedom and we still value life! Because of that... even as in the days of the Mayflower... They're still Coming to America!
The latest election results My Prius, of course The fact that I have a positive cash flow again The fact that the One True Relgion, The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is gaining more and more popularity every day.
World rejoice, the secret is out. Must be a reference to the worshippers of the Windows VISTA programming code.