I have only had to deal with one person being totally negative about my Prius and he just happened to be my son! He didn't want to hear anything positive about the car so I just stayed mum. I've had my Prius for just about a year and guess who has a Prius on order now? Yep, my son. Sometimes not responding at all is the answer.
It's a nice car with innovative design and technology. The Prius stands well on its own merits. If people insist on bashing it for one reason or another I'd have to ask what their real motivations are.
Payback a lot quicker than in September 2000 Six years ago, gas was about $1.25 a gallon, yet I've saved at least $3,000 without a tax credit. Today it's about double and will get higher in the long run, plus tax breaks....it's a lot easier to pay off the hybrid premium today. Add to that the maintanence and repair will probably be less.