Hello! I just bought my first Prius, a 2021 Prius LE and the Eco Score keeps resetting when I stop at a red light, instead of when I stop the overall trip. Is this an error on my part, or is this something I need to get fixed? Thank you!
Normal. It lets you know how your drive each time you stop and start. It’s kind of worthless IMO. A good Eco score doesn’t always translate to the best mpg. Best way to get good mileage is to get up to speed gradually and completely let off gas and then reapply gently to keep in EV mode. Keep it just under the midway point, and it will stay in EV mode until the battery is depleted and needs to be recharged by the gas engine. That being said, as long as you don’t stomp on the gas, it makes very little difference in mileage vs just getting in and driving.
I think they are referring to the three Acceleration/Coast/Brake eco scores which do reset every time you start up from a stop I often get 5/5 but sill only get 96/100
My gripe with the "eco score" is on the AC temperature setting. It always dings me for a low temperature setting when I have the AC compressor shut off. JeffD
My biggest gripe is that I can get fantastic MPG avg using the trip avg meter, but get a lower Eco score. They often don't match, so I stopped paying attention to that and paid closer attention to the way I drive and keeping the meter below the middle mark, inside the "EV zone"
What’s the lowest score anyone’s seen? I’m usually upper 70s to mid 80s. I think I have seen as low as the low 60s, and as high as the low 90s, but can’t recall seeing anything in the 50s (and definitely not worse). may be worth a test to drive the car like I stole it, and see what score I get.
Yep - that's what I thought - till I saw that she/he said "I stop at a red light". It's only when you power <OFF> that it resets. I rarely bother looking these days though.
Yes it resets every time you stop. And then you also get an overall score at the end of your drive when you turn the car off. My gripe with it is that it seems a third of the score is acceleration, a third is the actual driving and a third is braking. So if you have a fast acceleration, a hard brake, but you drive in perfect eco mode for an hour in between, your score will be terrible even though your MPG would be very nice.
Last time I looked at it - early this year, my daughter had driven me back from a medical appointment - only her 2nd time driving the PRIUS (normally in a truck!!). She commented "wow, look at the score I got". So I looked and congratulated her.
Ditto. I get "try more moderate temperature setting to improve score" with the A/C off and the temp set to low. The other day this message appeared, even though I had just driven a couple miles on battery (199.9 MPG). Score of 5 out of 100. Be interested in hearing what Prius veterans say about this. Thanks.
Yeah the "Eco Score" is pretty useless because of the A/C temp setting issue. I just keep my avg MPG readout set to "This Trip" mode so I can see my MPG for each trip at the end, this works better than the Eco Score for adjusting my driving habits.
I accelerated onto the interstate the other day and watched as it said 14/100, then as soon as I let off the gas it jumped to 56/100. Useless reading.
We're obviously talking about something different - I think we've been discussing the "Acceleration/Coast/Brake eco scores" which show up when you turn the car <OFF>. It doesn't come on while driving.
OP was asking about the score that resets every time you stop, not the score that shows up when you turn the car off. Others weighed in on the score that shows when you turn the car off, but that was not the original question.
Yeah, I don't pay attention to those scores. Only number I'm interested in is MPG. I can get 80 mpg and a score of only 75. There is a severe disconnect between the ECO score and MPG.
Same here. It's only values is probably as a teaching tool for people new to hybrids and not having any idea how expensive it is to start hard and brake late.
Can confirm the score is worthless. Especially that one that resets every time you start/stop. The one you get at the end of the drive (when you turn the car off) is a fun curiosity, but a total disconnect from MPGs. I've had runs with a score in the 60s but economy north of 25km/l. And I've had runs with scores in the low 90s and economy closer to my average of 21km/l.