A couple times now, in the first thousand miles of owning my brand new XLE, I've had a message pop up that tells me to hold my key fob next to my ingnition button ? So I do, and then it allow me to start the car normally, foot on brake, and pressing the power button. What's weird about this, is that literally in the last month I owned my 2019, before it got stolen, I got the same pop up message ? In that case, I assumed it was because my key fob battery was getting low ? And the batteries I had gotten to replace them, were cheap garbage, that would only last like 2 months. But now, same message with my brand new XLE ? Anybody seen this, or know what is causing it ? Thanks.
Is your keyfob wrapped in anything? or any electronics added (such as dash camera that sues wifi or bluetooth), could be interferring with the signal.
do you leave your fob in or near the car when parked? that can cause premature battery rundown. That dash warning simply means it cannot detect the signal from your fob
Check your owner’s manual as it addresses the reasons this happens. Basically, you are causing the system to stop searching for the fob with FuelMiser’s reason the most likely but there are others.
On our 3rd gen at least, there's a pop-up warning when the fob battery is getting weak, saying that specifically. Could be a Canadian edition thing too, not sure. Anyone else notice that? Maybe with fourth gen (and/or US edition) the pop-up is the (more cryptic) hold-next-to-start-button?
I haven't checked the other (second) key fob, but that's a good idea. I just assumed since its a brand new car that was built late in 22, the battery should be good. Heck, the battery in my 2019 key fob lasted like 2 full years !
These are the batteries that came with it. So unless they have switched brands, as I just told Bisco, the factory key fob batts with my 2019 LE lasted 2 years !
Nope. Haven't even put in my 3 way video camera yet... or stereo. I did have a nice a Viper 2 way alarm put it, but I'm almost sure it did this at least once before that ?
Never. I mean, all the time, with the car parked "but powered up". Heck, I sleep in the car (well only once so far, but many nights in the future I'm sure) but always powered up for climate control, stereo, etc. Long story short, I use my 2022 just the way I did my 2019.... and although the 2019 did this same thing, that took almost 3 years to start happening ?
Anyway guys, I'm going to try the other key fob, but also, I'm going to buy some quality batteries and try those too. But wait ! I have "not" gotten any messages popping up saying my key fob battery was low ? I DID get that message in my 2019 as well ???
aso worth checking the 12 volt. i know a new car should be fine in these respects, but you never know. hopefully something simple
No, the USA 4th Gen does show the "Low Key Fob Battery" message when appropriate. I have not reviewed the manual for the "Place Key Fob Next to Power Button Message" reasons since I have never gotten that one. There's also a "Key Not Detected" message.
Batteries like light bulbs have no guaranteed life span. I worked for Toyota parts for 16 years and bad batteries on new fobs was sorta rare. In most cases the people were leaving the fob close to the car when at home and parked. If the fob is close it will keep transmitting back and forth which runs the battery down quick. For example the people who park in the garage and hang the keys on a hook right by the door.
Cheap ebay or amazon coin batteries often degrade in two or three months. The fob next to a car thing is really a myth since the car will detect that and soon slow and finally stop rf use. Its in the manual.