I have a 2016 V with just under 330k miles. It ran great and everything but as soon as you put it into gear (Drive or reverse) it shook violently. I Installed plugs. Ran beautifully! Started it today. Little shaking on startup. Went away…. Hmmm…. Put it under load, not as bad but still there, especially at low throttle maintaining speed. Give it power, goes away. NO CEL. should i try coils even though there’s no CEL? Is there a different path I need to take? As a note, when I took the plugs out; they looked original. Like they definitely saw 330k miles. Lots of build up. This is a new to me car and the only history I have on it is that the previous owner was religious when it came to oil changes (records from toyota / carfax verify that). Scratching my head on this one… when I first got the car; things I noticed were: oil level too high (taken care of), low on coolant (also topped off). my thoughts were possibly a head gasket? I don’t really see signs of it though. I am going to double check for any color in the exhaust, and the oil that is in there isn’t new nor super old. NOT “milky” at all. It actually looks pretty good.
"my thoughts were possibly a head gasket? I don’t really see signs of it though. I am going to double check for any color in the exhaust, and the oil that is in there isn’t new nor super old. NOT “milky” at all. It actually looks pretty good." Classic gen3 head gasket failure in a 2016 v. Shaking and losing coolant into the cylinder fouling the plugs. Sounds fairly advanced. Rarely gets coolant into the crankcase. Probably needs a rebuilt engine, hopefully one that did not have a hg problem.
2016's got the new rings? @Prius C One, if you do the head gasket repair, or replace engine, do for sure clean the EGR components and intake manifold. If possible post pics of their condition. 330K miles is a surprisingly good run for a third gen, that's only had "religious" dealership service. See first link in my signature.
Thank you both for the responses. Last I knew, the third gen were from 2010-2015 and the 16s were updated? Now, that doesn’t make any other year immune from any issue, ESPECIALLY at 330k miles. I’ll take a photo of the plugs when i can and you can see how bad they are. Also, thank you for the info in your signature. I did stumble across that trying to figure this car out. I was also wondering if clogged up EGR components could be an issue. Based on the plugs, it would not surprise me if the egr valve is barely functioning. The only engine codes I pulled when i first got the V were for cylinders three and four.
To answer my own question, I believe the inference in "Applicability" (first) section in the attached is that from 2015 model year onward Prius v for sure have the revised rings. I'm harping on because two possibilities for head gasket failure are commonly mentioned here: the "low-tension" piston rings (on 2010 to partway through 2014 model years), and the EGR carbon clogging. The regular (hatchback) Prius went to Gen 4 in model year 2016 (with revised engine and EGR), but the Prius v did not follow suit. It did get revised piston rings, but that's all.
Yes, the 2016 and 17v's are still gen3. Either the new design rings wore by 330k miles or the many other sad aspects of a gen3 contributed. Pcv, egr, intake, hg geometry, cylinder cooling, all reengineered in gen4. It is possible coolant sealer was used to flip the car. However at 330k miles it is likely the engine was missing 33 oil changes since Toyota specified 10k mile intervals and most pros now recognize 5k as the safer duration. One of several Toyota Master mechanics who routinely discuss the reasons is ADM of the Car Care Nut youtube channel. His last video shows a 2002 engine which is still extremely clean. Revised gen4 strategy for even cylinder heat distribution Finally, since you are not the original owner, it is possible you have an older replacement engine and or the car was used in a taxi fleet. It should have a vehicle matching vin plate on the back of the engine, passenger side. It is likely missing if its a salvage yard engine, a different vin or hopefully, the same vin as the car. A missing or different vin generally means an older engine since few 2015-17 gen3s were made and most survivors are doing well. If it is different, the actual year and engine can be determined.
Thank you for the replies and the info! One owner car, not used as a taxi. I bought it at auction and tracked down the original owner who traded it in. Highway miles and original engine. I have pulled records etc. I did more diagnostic work today. I feel like it runs much better and smoother with the egr valve unplugged. I forgot to get photos of the plugs. I also swapped coils and still had shaking with the egr plugged in. White smoke present. I’d say it is what Mendel said happened. EGR clogged and caused a head gasket failure. No codes for egr unless I unplugged it. Based on the looks of the plugs though, it would be no surprise if it is really, REALLY dirty. Looked at parts for a head gasket job (redone head, gasket kit etc) and a whole low mileage (newer) engine isn’t much more…. Now I am trying to determine if it is worth sinking more money into it vs selling it and taking a loss. 330k mile 2016 V.
Even if I replaced every single piece involved with the egr system (not needed of course), I would still have a problem with white exhaust/ head gasket correct?
That's right, IF head gasket leakage has been confirmed by other means (borescope inspection, coolant level dropping, rough starts, etc.). You said " It ran great and everything but as soon as you put it into gear (Drive or reverse) it shook violently. I Installed plugs. Ran beautifully! Started it today. Little shaking on startup. Went away…. Hmmm…. Put it under load, not as bad but still there, especially at low throttle maintaining speed. Give it power, goes away." Rough running under moderate load, but not at start-up or heavy load, might be consistent with unequally clogged manifold passages. EGR is shut off at start-up and high engine loading, assuming the EGR valve is functioning correctly. That's all sorta moot, if the head gasket is indeed kaput.