I've designed a board that fits in the original Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU case and create a man in the middle setup for connecting for example the openinverter controller. I have boards available if someone want one.
Welcome to PriusChat!! Impressive first post. What are you currently using your installed board for? What are some of the other things that people could use this board for? How much does a finished (populated) board cost, and are there DIY kits available? FYI : you're moderated until you've posted 5 times.
Thanks SFO! Running with an openinverter controller Run custom inverter controller, trouble shooting, training. Board design is available open source so you can print some your selves on jlcpcb or similar search for PriusHVConnector in github for gerber and bom files. wiki has details on what other parts need to build one. Please note that there are a few issues on the current board design (see issues in in github) To follow my progress with the openinverter controller search for "Toyota Prius gen2 plug and play" in openinverter forum and "Toyota prius gen2 with openinverter in manual mode" on youtube.
I'm trying to run the OEM Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU together with the openinverter controller but the OEM ECU opens the contactors when I start the openinverter controller (Initial test worked when only MUU, MVU, MWU (GUU, GVU and GWU when disconnected from the OEM ECU). Currently I have: MG1 and MG2 disconnected from OEM ECU (MUU, MVU, MWU, GUU, GVU and GWU) and Engine Control Module disconnected Encoder from MG2 to connectedto openinverter (MRF,MRFG,FMCS,MCSG,MSN and MSNG). MCS,MCSG,MSN,MSNG from OEM Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU connected to GCS,GCSG,GSN,GSNG on the inverter (MRF,MRFG left disconnected) GVIA, GVIB, MVIA, MVIB, GWIA, GWIB, MWIA, MWIB from OEM ECU connected to GVIB and GWIB on the inverter (I don't see any "power transfer" on the screen any more also no voltage on GVIB and GWIB from controller). No codes other then P0A87 (MUU, MVU and MWU disconnected), P0A7A (GUU, GVU and GWU disconnected) and U0100 (Engine ECU disconnected). Anyone have any idea what might trigger the OEM Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU to open the contactors, what code to look out for on the CAN interface to trouble shoot or anything else I need to emulate to keep the OEM Hybrid Vehicle Control ECU happy?
Still haven't figured out issue above but it seems MFIV is tripping (reported by the openinverter controller). I now have access to Techstream to trouble shoot issue. Started work on setting up SOC spoofing etc following eaa-phev pages to keep the OEM ECU's happy (Search for Prius gen 2 SOC spoofing on youtube). I plan to use stm32-car or stm32-template for software and hardware. Anyone mind sharing how the forced EV mode/out of gas/forced stealth works? do you just shut off the fuel pump or is there some can messages involved?
I've wheels spinning with non Toyota HV controller for more information see: https://openinverter.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2516 Is Attila's priusCodes.xls kept updated any where? I've some additions like VL is displayed in pid 3A 6th byte