wasnt one of them given as part of a deal for taking one of the classics they had for research? the car had something like 270K miles on it and was still going strong?
2004 Prius Yellow Cab in Vancouver BC You're right, Dave: They took the Classic back, gave him a new one. Probably the best of all testimonies to Toyota engineering and product reliability. Classics still commanding a high ticket on car lots.
actually they gave him a 2k3 and he put 80,000 Km's on it before he got the 2k4, at that time he repainted the 2k3 it's origional colour and put the 2k4 in to service as his cab. He kept the Classic 2k3 as his own personal car.
SOOOOOO, Did you ask the cabbie what problems they have encountered . . . if any? What was their lifetime mileage??? Did the car still look good inside and out????? Inquiring minds want to know!
It was pouring rain, an inch an hour and we both had a window down about 3 inches. Last time I talked with Andrew Grant, YC15, he said they had a computer for the SE-SS replaced that was all. Now this was back in March when he took me to the airport on my way to get my Prius. And I haven't seen him since, although my wife took him over to the north shore about 2 months ago. He's active on Yahoo. Just not here, although there is a pic of his cab in the photo album on PC.
here's the only pix of his cab on PC as far as I know. It's of the Matrix bumper protector on his YC15 http://www.priuschat.com/forums/album_pic.....php?pic_id=621
Like the color would like to see the whole car. Might have to take a trip to Vancouver to see it. I haven't been there in a while and could use a excuse for a visit. I like visiting Vancouver, great city, nice people, never had a bad experience there.
Yellow Cabs keep their cars very clean, we have by-laws (sp) here regarding the conditions of taxis as such seldom seldom get a bad one. Yup a clean town with some bad spots just like any large metropolitan city. But in a really beautiful setting. The missis and I like it here. Just wish sometime's it would quit growing.
tell you what if you do decide to come up let me know and we can take a trip around down town in his cab and quiz the hell out of him. He's one of the most personable people I've ever met and has an absolute groundswell of information regarding Prius's.
He's got 3 pics up, follow this search link to see them all: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/album_sear...earch=priustaxi -m.
He got it from Toyota Canada. but if you try this address you can inquire about priceing and avaliability. [email protected]/ that is the parts managers email address. Send a note to him and he'll get back to you.
I've seen at least 1 cab in Los Angeles that was a 2004 Prius. I did a double-take, but there it was in black & yellow check. It's a great idea.