I think I'm going to go ahead with it on mine. I'm having my mids / highs and a few other parts of my stereo system installed, so I figured if they are going to have all 4 of my door panels off anyway, why not go ahead and throw some deadener in there while they are at it ? I know from personal experience with my F150, that it's not a "technical kind of job"..... It's just a knuckle busting, cutting, scraping, twisting, turning, PITA kind of job ! My stereo place quoted me $50 a door, and from my experience, that is SO worth it. I also know that it will make your doors go from sounding like an empty steel trash can (with the knock rest) to a solid core wood door ! I waited like 12 years to do my F150, and the first time I hopped in it after the sound deadening, I asked myself, Why in the heck did I ever wait so long ? Miserable job though. I learned that too lol
That's awesome BTW, I like that you didn't go crazy trying to cover every square inch, like you were wall papering a house lol In my research, I've discovered that the way sound travels around in sheet metal (conducts) that by adding a single smallish square in the center of a door or roof panel, it will greatly reduce the hollow, rattling tin can sound all through that panel > even in the parts which are not deadened Doesn't hurt to add more, where its easy and cheap enough, but their are just greatly diminishing returns. So, if you were to cover every sq inch, and then did that 3 layers thick, it would cost like 6 X's as much + it would start to become a noticeable weight factor, and it would only increase the deadening by a small %.... A little does a lot ! A lot does a little. The other thing I learned by doing my truck, was that "even" for someone who is not into good, clean music, it just makes the vehicle a lot more relaxing. PS, because of your photos, I am reminded to keep some of 80 sq ft, to do the rear in the wheel well area myself. If I had given the whole 80 ft to the installer, they would have likely shoved it all in the 4 doors. Rather have it spread out in as many areas as possible Thank you for those photos