First off, its not the prettiest screen, with the most function, however, a few times, (when it decided to do this on its own) it actually went to a dark screen, with brighter lettering. This didn't look too bad at all, and I could actually use this at night. I know with Google Maps (on my phone) this is automatic. Although I don't think the dark screen is a lot harder to see in the day time either, so if I could only choose one, I'd choose "always dark"... especially in my fully tinted car, its not a problem. Anyway, I've went through every single control on the touch screen, and I think the steering wheel and dash too, but I still can't figure out how to get my touch screen to stay dark (not turned off) with the bright text ? "IF" this were an "automatic thing" based on the brightness of the vehicle, I'd expect it to at least go to the dark screen at night. But no. Its the white BG at night too, so I end up just turning the screen off, so it doesn't blind me. And btw, its went to the dark BG in the week I owned it like twice on the regular functions screen, and twice while using my blue tooth for music from my phone. That latter actually looked pretty good, as it also had a photo of the album cover.... Just can't seem to control this to save my life ! What am I missing ?
Tts automatic , I believe. There's a light sensor Kind of like your phone screen brightness. I've stumbled into the settings one point and it changes to "dark mode" when the head lights are on (My headlights are always set to Auto so I cannot comment if it will have a manual over ride). You can see the change when you are under a over pass or in a tunnel.
I also always leave my headlights on, yet it stay in the bright (white BG) mode 95% of the time. But I will try different headlight settings now too. TY.
Oh geez, you mean I have to actually "read" too ? lol Now where the heck did I put that manual.... didn't expect to ever open it up. Never did with the 2019 LE Edit; I read that.... and I always heave my headlights tuned on, but do not have the "daylight mode on / off option ? I'll play with the headlights now too though, and see I can get that option to come up, and hopefully stay that way, once I set it. I just hate that ugly white screen, for use at any time.
Well this was what I found somewhere (on my own, the manual told me nothing) I stumbled past a screen somewhere which showed me “themes”. I think there were like 5 of them, so clicked on the “dark theme” and Bam Still haven’t found a day or night mode though ? But as long as it stays the way it is now, I’m all good