Have you ever noticed how much people who own a Prius, usually love it ? And then people who don't own, or maybe have never even driven a Prius, hate them ? I mean one obvious reason is > People tend to buy, what they like, and not buy what they don't. But it just seems to me, that if a number of Prius haters were given a Prius to use for 1 year.... heck, maybe 1 month ....they would end up changing there minds. Three years ago, right before I got my 2019 LE, I was talking to my buddy who already owned a 2019 LE, and he just raved about how great it was. I was driving a 2015 Hyundai Accent which 1) got horrible mileage.. like 28 ! and 2) with barely 100K miles on it, the catalytic converter was going out, and it wouldn't pass smog (like a $3K thing in CA) At that point I was on the fence about getting a Prius, or something else. Well, I got the 2019 LE, and I think it took me about a week to completely fall in love with it So when my 2019 LE got stolen a few weeks ago, I knew instantly, I had to have another. I still can't imagine another car that can do for me, what my Prius does. And I'm SOOO freaking anxious for my X-country, car camping, vacation in April-May of next year Alarm installed today. Full tint and windshield polarizing in 2 days. Starting the stereo build next week. Already have all the components bought or ordered. Almost exactly what I had in the 2019, with only a couple small tweaks which should make it even slightly better. I've been doing aftermarket stereo systems for 40 years, probably 15 of them, and I think that was the best Sound Quality setup I've ever designed. I've left so many rideshare passengers amazed, as it looked so "factory". Sometimes I'd tell them it was factory, just to mess with there heads lol Were you on the fence before you bought your first Prius ? How do you feel now ?
One word… stereotype. For those who need to compensate for something or find their identity in the vehicle they drive, maybe Prius is your cup of tea, but when gas goes up, that all seems to go out the window. Personally, I don’t care what someone else thinks about the car I drive. They don’t have to look at it, drive it, or pay for the gas or service to fix it, so it’s water off a ducks back. If the car is reliable and gets fantastic mileage while being very utility friendly, then that’s what matters. After all, a car is a tool to get you from point A to B, it doesn’t live and breathe and have real life (though sometimes I wonder if Priuses actually purr a bit on startup).
Right Ya' know, I even customized my truck to be completely out of the norm. I do get some people who just flip out, telling me how much they love it, and that they have never seen a truck styled this way..... But I get plenty of people that look at it kind of cross eyed... Like, "Where's the chrome" ? Why isn't it white" ? lol Always loved my truck styling, and the uniqueness adds to that.
MPG has always been important to me and in 2011 I bought a, what turned out to be, diesel gate car, VW Jetta TDI. In late 2016 when VW was buying them back and I had to get a new car, my assumption was that the Prius would be slow and sluggish, but I fell in love from my first test drive and no looking back.
Three reasons why: 1. Reliable. I've owned my 2017 since new. Have had to make zero repairs. 2. Fuel economy. My MPGs have always been between 60-70. 3. I love it. Its practical. Doesn't draw any unwanted attention.
We've been a Toyota family starting way back in the late-70's with my Mom and Dad's 4-door, baby blue Cressida. Only two things kill a Yota...rust and car accidents. Rust killed her, after being passed down to the 3rd generation, around 300,000 miles. Our family has own just about every car and truck except for the hybrids. I've owned a Tacoma and now a Tundra. We were the first to get a Prius in 2017 when my wife's 08 Corolla was sold to our daughter who got t-boned in her Honda Odyssey and only got $6,000 for it. We went looking for another and she spotted a green Prius so we drove it around, she loved it, and I stole it from the dealer. (They wanted $25K and I gave them $21k.) It does have a learning curve...lots of electronics....but our daughter drove my Prius a few months ago and her only complaint was all the beeping...backing up and has lane assist and will beep if you go over the speed limit. I'm seeing a lot of Priis on the roads these days...even some older ones. I suspect people are parking their gas guzzlers and getting them out of the garage. (I don't drive my Tundra very much, either....Biden's war on gasoline is killing our economy but that's another rant.)
I'm sure their is some truth to that, and what's funny, is that I'm "anything but" a liberal. Anybody who stereotypes by the car a person drives, is proving why this doesn't work.
You definitely sound like a Toyota family Nothing wrong with that. Personally speaking, I've had other Toyotas, Chevy's, Ford's, Geo Metros... I'm sure I'm missing some Yea, I love my F150 too, but can't afford to drive it ☹️ The only reasons I keep it, is because it's such a good, solid truck, with low miles (it's an 08' with less than 80k miles) and it's paid for. But I already know, as soon as I get my new Prius all straight, alarm, tinting, stereo, etc, the truck is probably going to go right back to being a 5000 lb paperweight ☹️
My first car was the frugalest station wagon made at the time. My subsequent cars have been as well. Some other drivers want a car that can compete in NASCAR, not a priority for me. I do not see them liking my Prius v even after they drove it for a month. Station wagons are hard to find these days, I suspect I will have to get a small PHEV SUV next.
That's cool Don't get me wrong, I love driving, and if mo et we're no object, I'd probably have a pretty big collection of vehicles. Some for cross country touring, and some for sports driving. But as it stands, at this point in my life, I need a vehicle which is cheap cheap to operate, and reliable. I don't think their another vehicle made, that covers these two things as well as a Prius.
Yeah, at my workplace I was one of the first among a handful of Prius drivers in the employee lot. After a few years there's a lot more now. If you drive around SF bay area, you'll notice there's a lot of Teslas. Along the PCH, you see Mustangs and Camaros. Prius are also more common in the LA area.
I've had mine since 2016 - been looking for a new car recently and checked out a few others. TOYOTA has between 9 and 18 months delivery times listed - and a good chance the next PRIUS won't come here. So I've checked similar 5 door hatchbacks. NOTHING has impressed me as much as my PRIUS when I got back in. Yes, some had better seats, some are "sportier". But none are as practical - I have ½ the back seat folded semi-permanently as a mini-van. None have the same size load space. One other thing I noticed first was the big bin between the seats - which is great in PRIUS - some have about as much room as an oversized Coke Can. And all use about double the fuel my PRIUS has averaged.
Hey Allen, JMPO, but if I were you, I'd go ahead and order one, then just baby your 2016 along, until it gets there Also, I'm not as sure how it works there, but here, a LOT of deals fall through, for cars that have been ordered. You could have a lot of friendly talks with dealers, "and ask them to remember you" if something comes up. Recently I met a young woman (during rideshare) who had just lucked out with a RAV4 Hybrid (a Prius is a better car for me, but a RAV 4 Hybrid is kind of my dream car). They told her (even here in Cali) that it might take her 12 months or even longer. Then 2 weeks later they had a deal fall through, on the exact car she wanted, so they called her, and Bam ! Not going to kid you though, she was an attractive young lady, and I think "I'd have remembered her" over most of the other potential customers too lol We might not have that same advantage. But anyway...
I used to say "you have to be a very secure person to drive a Prius" but frankly it doesn't make sense having interacted with other Prius owners who seem to have a lot of chips on their shoulders and too much spare time to create or fix issues that really aren't issues to begin with... like modifying or complaining about every little thing on a new Prius they just bought... I'm a truck guy. Always have been. From 9 to 5 I'm a contractor and a land-lord, evenings and weekends my hobbies include hunting and "overlanding" (which is a stupid bastardized term for off road camping). The Prius is good for work days where toting large quantities of materials around is not required, generally getting around town and all pavement road-trips. It's cheap to own and I am frugal when it comes to transportation. Don't give two shits what other people think about my car. The Prius saves me enough on fuel every month to more than cover the insurance premium and it allows me to save miles on the stupid expensive tires and suspension parts that my trucks have due to my hobbies. The Tundra gets about 10 MPG in town, the GX470 gets about 13. Tundra tires are just under $2k a set. Prius gets high 40s/low 50s driving like a normal human at over the speed limit, tires are $400. I use it on road trips where off-roading isn't in the plans as well. Every trip to see the fam, it saves me about $500-600 just in fuel. It's also easy to park and drive in the city. If I could have only one vehicle it would NOT be a Prius, but only because it's completely incapable off-road and doesn't fit a dead elk plus gear. That being said, the Prius is a great f'n car if you don't care what other people think and it's a better investment than a Tesla or other fully electric jobby with the current state of our country's roads and infrastructure.
Yeah, I've seen other Prius drivers drive crazy and fast. Sure you will still get 40-45 MPG, but driving fast defeats the purpose. I have yet to meet another Prius driver where I live who hypermiles. Word. Although it hurts sometimes to see a nice car being driven by a douche. Yeah, the Prius really shines when it comes time to open up the wallet. How are your Tundra tires $2k a set? The tires for my Land Cruiser are only about $1400 from Costco when they are on sale.