does anyone know how the gen3 plug-in locks your out from putting the car into READY mode while plugged in? I want to be able to charge the Battery from an external source while the car is in motion. i have a very large portable powerbank with a 120v and 240V inverter available for testing and I want to see if I can just plug a level 2 charger into and the other end into the charge port to charge the traction battery while the car is moving. the only obstacle is getting the car to allow driving while being plugged in. This might be a more simple way of increase EV range than trying to gerry-rig a second traction battery into the first one and end up not having it work.
We don't have access to Toyota's computer code to change that setting, so you're going to have to make the car think it's not driving even thought it is, or alternatively think it's not charging while driving.That's likely asking the impossible. But if you kept at it, maybe you'll find a way? First step is figuring out what sensor tells the car it's plugged in and change that.
There is no need to spend money on a relay for something that can be done with software in an existing ECU.
I remember trying to drive away in our plug-in but it was still plugged in. Imagine the damage... REVVL V+ 5G ?
Well gas is only maybe 10 mins max. Plug in for hours and I forgot. (Unfortunately/Embarrassingly the plug is on the front left of the car and visible from the driver seat facing forward).... REVVL V+ 5G ?
i've done it several times, it is a great safety feature. now if they could only prevent me from opening/closing the garage door while the hatch is open
The SAE J1772 standard has the safety protocol built in, it is not just a band aid added by Toyota. The buzzword is Proximity Why not just charge the battery and ignore the SAE J1772 plug?
I certainly don't know for sure but my guess is that there's no simple answer but who knows maybe you can find a magic wire to clip. But my gut feels like you're taking about updating binary in an ECU sort of thing... And don't forget that even if you can do that, you're not going to be able to get enough charge through the charger to keep up with EV mode while in use. And you're losing power through the conversions compared to direct DC battery connections...
I tried it. Using the 2nd 85ah battery I added and the 2,000W inverter(thats able to charge a Tesla), I can charge the battery but no go on turning it on. This is one of the things I plan to find out where and what's controlled, I'm in the ECU just don't know where this particular code is. for me, it's the thought of solar, or wind that's being used to charge the battery. I just don't think it'll be possible, in my mind you wouldn't be able to run the motor that also then charges the battery while using the plug to charge the battery. someone else mentioned where my mind is at, DC charging the larger battery. Our plugins have such tiny batteries, It's one thing to get the Prime battery in the plugin, just the 3.3 is horribly slow. My game plan now, grab the 18.1 battery soon as I find it, and in the meantime work on figuring out a way for DC charging because it does me no good to have the AWD rear electric motor and a nice big battery on 3.3 charging...