Wouldn't it be great if the navigation system was available with a few more voices? Saturday Night Live: "Jane, you ignorant slut, turn left!" Simpsons: "D'oh. You missed your exit." Star Trek's Data: "At current velocity vectors, you will be arriving at your destination in approximately zero point zero zero two three seven five light years." Zen: "Life is a journey, not a destination. I cannot help you, my son." I'm sure you'll be able to think of many more. B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Nov 21 2006, 03:52 PM) [snapback]352739[/snapback]</div> Great minds think alike Did this idea come to mind when you were deciding between Amer English and Brit English? - Redneck: For those that love to git screamd at. - AHnuld: Miss a turn - I'll be back. {gasp} - Star Wars: Miss a turn - You have failed me for the LAST time - Marylin Monroe - US fighters have had female voices in the cockpit for good reason.
"Turn right here!" followed by, "I meant turn left, right here" ~ Lucille Ball in The Long, Long Trailer.
:huh: Or like my wife... Scene: You're in the center lane, tooling along 42 MPH [in a 35 MPH zone] with traffic right and left. About 20-25 feet before an intersection, she says: "Turn Here!" No "left" No "Right" - Just "Turn Here." Then: "You should have known to turn there!" -or- "I would not have gone this way." **SIGH** But... I *DO* love her. :huh: :mellow:
Kids: ...This isn't the way Mommy goes...Are we there yet?...I have to go pee, and NOT on a tree like last time...Was I sposed ta leave this frog at the creek?...Dad! There's an ice cream truck!...
A friend of mine went into a riff on what would be the profane version... "If you don't $#@%ing turn right at the next !@#$ing intersection, I'm going to reach in and...."