Is anyone in the Phoneix metro area interested in doing either the Hybrid Car Meetup on Monday, September 6th, or the Toyota Prius Meetup on Saturday, September 18th?
Dooh, probably can't do either. I'll be out the weekend of the 4th, but going back to CA on the 5th most likely. The 18th is smack in middle of my 10 year high school reunion. Is this group targeting once per month? If so, I'll look forward to October!
It's supposed to be once a month, but I haven't seen one happen yet. Hopefully, we can generate enough interest by October.
I would be interested in the 18th. Are you able to contact others who have Arizona listed in their profile?
[font=Arial:26da8f15db] [/font:26da8f15db] </span><span style=\'color:#\'> I am interested in receving some information on meetings. What, where, when, why???
Hi chris. I just joined the local club today. I think once the weather starts to cool down a bit you might get more participation. I'd be interested in a get-together in Oct or Nov. Dave