There are always a few cars in every batch that are duds, or so I hear. I appear to have landed that with my 2010 Prius (purchased new in 2009). Can't remember if it's II or III but it's not I or IV. Within a couple years of owning it there was some massive electrical failure that cost $3500 or something to fix. I tweeted about it and paid half that in the end (after first trying to work with Toyota directly in multiple ways). For years now my car has been slowly burning oil--I've paid probably around $3000 with various repairs to try and fix the problem but it has never actually fixed it. Toyota just says it's normal wear and tear. I've just learned from my mechanic that it's now burning oil quickly--as in he filled it a month ago and yesterday it was almost empty. He told me I need to be checking it weekly and eventually will need the engine rebuilt (replaced?) if I don't trade it in. Has anyone done this? How much did it cost? Has anyone else had this problem? This is of course the WORST time to buy a car, for everyone, and also not great for my family. Do newer models have an oil light that actually turns on when you're getting low, as older cars had? I am not knowledgeable about cars and am not trying to be my own mechanic, though obviously can add oil. But the irony of having to always add oil to a hybrid car is just... How long can I go before I have to make a big decision? Sorry for the rant, folks! Advice and info welcome!
I would take it to a different dealership, and ask about trading it in for a new Prius. [Do not say a word about the oil burning]
If you do a search, you will find out that oil burning it a common issue with 2010 - 2014 Prius after 100k miles, mainly due to piston rings and piston design flaw. How many miles are there on your Prius, and how much oil does it burn per 1,000 miles?
has the egr circuit been cleaned? how many miles? you can add oil almost indefinitely, and use a heavier weight oil. there are lots of threads here from people with similar problems. the key is to start checking the level every day, until you find out how many days (miles more importantly) go by before you need to add a quart. with current car availability and pricing, i would do everything i could to keep it until things improve. and they will improve.
I think it is time to move on and get something else. 2016 or 4th gen Prius has much less problem. There is no point to spend $3000 more if you can use the $3000 + money from 2010 Prius sale to get the newer 2016 Prius even with 200k miles as long the maintenance is fully documented and the car is garage kept or live in mild weather (not hot).
My 2012 burns as well. A quart or more every 5k miles... I'm not planning to do anything besides adding more oil as necessary.
So many newer cars have the same problem and same root cause: piston rings. The worst of the worst i am aware of was 2.0 tfsi Audi. One guy went as far as printing the oil consumption to his car and parked it outside dealership who refused to repair Eventually dealership bought the car back. That car consumed 4ltr/1000km(!). Repair cost 6500Eur minimum.