So I hate it when my vehicle tries to steer for me, gentle tug or not. I want to steer my own darn car So I went I to the dash menu, and scrolled to the gear symble, and found how to turn off LTA, and from there, it shows that it's off. But when I hit the Lane Tracking button on my steering, it says it's on ? Then I go back into the dash menu, and it shows it's still turned off ? What am I missing here ?
the button on your steering wheel toggles it of and off, no need to do it thru the settings menu unless you want to.
Apparently not on mine. Mine will only turn it on. I had to go into the menu to turn it off. Then, if in accidentally turn it on, on the wheel, I have to go back into menus to turn it off. Hmmm.
You can default it to ‘off’ along with every other safety feature in Carista but I don’t know if they make that app for you Android swine.
lol Love my Androids, but I’m on an Apple iPad right now, and besides the fantastic screen (I’m a photographer) this thing is nothing but an incompatible PITA !
One Apple device in a quiver of MS and Android garbage is not fun. Tried that. You have to go all in. They don’t work well together. Most photographers I know appreciate the Macbook/iPhone’s for much more than the screens. Takes some getting used to but I would never go back.